五年级上册英语试题 期中测试卷含答案 人教部编版

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1. 字母u前面的那个字母是 。

a.v b.t c.w

2. 根据汉语意思补全单词:s rry (对不起)。

a.a b.o c.e

3. –hello, zhou lin.

, andy.

a.ok b.bye c.hi

4. do you science?

a.h**e b.has c.had

5. there some free time.

a.am b.is c.are

6. you must your homework.

a.do b.does c.doing

7. how old you?

a.am b.is c.are

8. that is english book.

a.a b.an c./

9. –do you usually go to school?– i usually go to school at 7:30.

a.what b.what time c.how

10. there are ten on the table.

a.apple b.apples c.an apple

11. i want to in the park.

a.sing b.draw c.dance

12. we usually chinese and english in the classroom.

a.study b.run c.exercise

13. –what day is it today?

it's .

a.friday b.wednesday c.sunday

14. –do you want to play ? great! let's go.

a.football b.basketball c.ping-pong

15. –may i use your ?–sure. here you are.

a.pen b.pencil c.glue

i am tom. i'm a boy. i'm twelve years old.

i live near the school. i often walk to school. look, this is my beautiful new school.

we usually study chinese and english in our classroom. we go to the school library to read. on fridays, we h**e music in the music room.

we run and play football on the playground.

16. who is the boy?

a.andy b.tom c.bill

17. how old is tom?

a.10 b.11 c.12

18. does tom often walk to school?

a.yes, he does. b.no, he does. c.yes, he is.

19. tom has music in the .

a.art room b.music room c.library

20. tom plays football on the .

a.playground b.classroom c.library


一、 单选题。

1. 【答案】b


2. 【答案】b


3. 【答案】c


4. 【答案】a


5. 【答案】b

【解析】本题考查there be 句型的主谓一致。在there be句型中主谓一致,主语为time,不可数名词,谓语用单数is。故选b。

6. 【答案】a

【解析】本题固定搭配和情态动词。do one's homework表做家庭作业;情态动词后面跟动词原形,题中must后应该用动词原形do,故选a。

7. 【答案】c


8. 【答案】b



9. 【答案】b

【解析】本题考查疑问词的用法。a项what表什么,b项what time表什么时候,c项how表怎样,结合题意:– 你通常什么时候去上学?– 我通常七点半去上学。故选b。

10. 【答案】b


11. 【答案】a


12. 【答案】a


13. 【答案】b

【解析】本题考查名词辨析。a项friday表周五,b项wednesday表周三,c项sunday表周日,**显示星期三,根据题意:– 今天周几了?– 今天是周三。故选b。

14. 【答案】b


– 你想打篮球吗?– 太棒了,我们去吧。故选b。

15. 【答案】a

【解析】本题考查文具类名词辨析。a项pen表钢笔,b项pencil表铅笔,c项glue表胶水,**为钢笔,根据题意:– 我可以用你的钢笔吗?– 当然,给你。故选a。

二、 阅读选择。

16. 【答案】b

【解析】本题考查细节理解。由原文,i am tom.可知这个男孩是汤姆。故选b。

17. 【答案】c

【解析】本题考查细节理解。由原文,i'm twelve years old.可知汤姆12岁了。故选c。

18. 【答案】a

【解析】本题考查细节理解。由原文,i often walk to school.可知汤姆经常步行去上学。故选a。

19. 【答案】b

【解析】本题考查细节理解。由原文,we h**e music in the music room.可知汤姆在**室上**课。故选b。

20. 【答案】a

【解析】本题考查细节理解。由原文,we run and play football on the playground.可知汤姆在操场上踢足球。故选a。


中卫六小2013 2014学年度第一学期五年级英语期中测试卷 98分 卷面2分 100分 班级姓名成绩 一 按正确的书写格式,完成字母表 0.5分 20 10分 bbjj rr ww二 抄写下面的句子。2分 6 12分 1 when did you come back?we came back la...


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