
发布 2021-05-23 08:11:28 阅读 7966


many english lessons do you h**e in a week?(按实际情况回答)

often borrow books from the library.(变成一般疑问句)

from the library.

h**e a science lesson in a week.(变成复数形式)

in a week.

h**e _two_ music lessons in a week.(就画横线部分提问)

you h**e in a week?

i help you?(同义句)

whatfor you ?

can, train, a, i, toy(连词组句)

watch is __eight-nine yuan_.(就划线部分提问)

your watch?

i help you?(回答问题)

___i __a grape fruit.

you are. (写出答语)

can h**e a toy train.(改为一般疑问句)

a toy train?

11. _i __you?(根据答句补全问句)

yes. i want a toy train.

fifty-five yuan_.(就画横线部分提问)

is the toy plane?

i help you.(同义句)

iyou?can i do for you?(回答问题)

ia motorbike.

16.--i __a toy bus?(根据答句补全问句)

--ok. choose one you like.

17this one?(根据答句补全问句)

it looks nice. i like it.



1. he comes to school early.( 改为否定句)

heto school early.

2. you shouldn’t make noise.(改为祈使句)

make noise.

3. don’t be late for school.(改为肯定句)

4. do your homework now.(改为否定句)now.

6. 23、我国是世界上公认的火箭的发源地,早在距今1700多年前的三国时代的古籍上就出现了“火箭”的名称。bill usually goes to school early.



8. 1、月相的变化有什么规律?(p49)you should read in bed.(改为否定句)

9、物质的变化一般分为物理变化和化学变化。化学变化伴随的现象很多,最重要的特点是产生了新物质。物质发生化学变化的过程中一定发生了物理变化。youin bed.

3、怎样做才是解决垃圾问题最有效的方法呢?(p73)7 . don’t eat in class.(用should 改写)

in class.

8. he likes to do housework with his mother.(改为一般疑问句)



we shouldn’t make a mess.(肯定句)


10. don’t keep our classroom clean.(改为肯定句)

11. early , to , bed, you, should , go (连词组句)

一、填空。答:火柴燃烧、铁钉生锈、白糖加热等。12. sometimes, is, a , he, not, boy, good (连词组句)



人教新版小学英语五年级上册句型转换60题。句型转换的方法。一 肯定句改否定句的方法 一步法1 在be动词后加not。如 isnot,arenot,amnot,wasnot,werenot 2 在can,will等后加not。如 cannot,willnot 3 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式...

五年级英语 含答案 句型转换

按要求改写句子。1.that s a horse in english.就画线部分提问 what s that in english?2.what s on the desk?回答问题 it is a pen.3.is it a horse?肯定句 itis a horse 4.this is a ...


精选。人教新版小学英语五年级上册句型转换60题。句型转换的方法。一 肯定句改否定句的方法 一步法。1 在be动词后加not。如 isnot,arenot,amnot,wasnot,werenot 2 在can,will等后加not。如 cannot,willnot 3 上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词...