小学五年级下 外研版一年级起点 单项练习

发布 2023-04-08 18:46:28 阅读 1265

五年级英语下学期单项练习 (2) nameclass


1. lingling’s grandma was a司机) before. she didn’t驾驶) a train.

she __驾驶) a bus. her grandpa was a长笛演奏员) before. he演奏中国**).

her fatherin在办公室工作). he’s __一名) engineer . her mother __in a在商店工作).

and her uncle is a医生)hein a在医院工作)

1)what did lingling’s grandma do before?

2) where does lingling’s father work?

3) what music did lingling’s grandpa play?

4)what does her uncle do now?

2. damingan收到了一封电子邮件) from lingling. it’s about english food.

yesterday linglingan english吃了一顿英式早餐) she hadand鸡蛋和香肠)and she hadfor午饭吃了三明治) in the晚上)she hadandfor晚饭吃了炸鱼配薯条)it’s a traditional英式美食)she喜欢) english food . she __说) it’s美味的)

in the uk , people usually吃早饭) at 7 o’clock午饭) is usually attwelve.(12点半晚餐)is usually atsix.(六点半周日)are特殊的) in the uk家人们) usually eat午饭) together.

they eat鸡肉土豆) and other蔬菜)

1) where is the email from?

2) what did lingling h**e for breakfast?

3) did she h**e hamburgers for lunch?

4)does lingling like english food?

5) is fish and chips a traditional english food?

6)when do english people h**e dinner?

7)do they eat chicken , tomatoes and other vegetables?

3. last周六) ,amy and linglingto the去了图书馆)they wanted to借) some harry potter ***s. but there没有) any harry potter ***s in the图书馆) so they借了) some harry potter books.

harry potter is english children’s最喜欢的) the librarian说), pleasethe bookstwo weeks.(两周内还书)” amy告诉) lingling , you canthings in在图书馆里做许多事情) you can借) books , cds and ***s . you canthe使用电脑) you canyour做作业) but youto your friends.


1)h**e they got the harry potter ***s?

2) what did amy and lingling borrow in the library?

3) what’s english children’s f**ourite?

4)can you buy books in the library?

5)can you use the computers?

6) what can you do in the libraries?

grandma住在) in the us . daming is和她交谈) her on the phone. she寄给) daming a数学游戏) some english books and美国的) chocolate.

damingthe收到了数学游戏)he吃了) the chocolate and读了) the books. the chocolate是美味的) the books是有趣的) daming想要) to来) to the us this夏天)

lingling’s最喜欢的季节) is秋天) it’s凉爽的)the le**es从…上落下) the trees . she can play __them. she also can放风筝) and去野餐)she cana lot of玩的愉快) in秋天)

1)where does daming’s grandma live?

2) did daming get a computer game?

3)does he like the english books ?

4)when will he go to the us?

5) is lingling’s f**ourite season winter?

6) what’s her feeling?

5. lingling’s bag is坏了)she can’t __it把它带到中国)ms smart will给她买)a new one. lingling is高兴)she __真的) likes a黑的) bag .

it’s大的), but it’s too重的) she can’tit __斜挎在) her shoulder . ms smart likes a绿的) bag. it’s轻的) ,but it’s very小的)the sales assistant showed a __红的) bag .

it有) wheels. it willlingling to容易携带) it**为) thirty pounds. then they __it.


1)what’s wrong with lingling’s old bag?

2) who will buy a new bag for her ?

3) what does the black bag look like?

4) which bag did they buy?

5) why did they buy it?

6) how much is it?

7) what colour is the light one?

daming,lastwent to the stonehenge. it’s a veryit’s aboutyears old. welots of very bigthey are __asomearethe others .

wea short helicopterstonehenge ! the bigsmall __the sky. it wasno onedid peopleit ?

wethere __car. itus threeand isomethere.


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