外研版 三年级起点 五年级下册第五模块检测题 含答案

发布 2022-12-03 10:19:28 阅读 5130




( )1. umbrella a.轻的。

( )2. brokenb.困难的,费力的。

( )轮子

( )坏的,破的。

( )雨伞。

( )6.百货商店 assistant

( )7.又大又轻 g. department store

( )8.售货员,营业员 h. big and light.

( )9.骑自行车 i. fly a kite

( )10.放风筝 a bike


) 1. a. light b. hard c. pocket

) 2. a. store b. too c. supermarket

) 3. a. wheel b. broken c. easy

) 4. a. take b. try c. umbrella

) 5. a. lovely b. white c. blue


1. it'llbe) easy for you to do it.

2. the hatlook) small.

3try) your new dress. it's nice.

4. she can'ttake) her kite to school.

5. my bikeh**e) got two wheels.


) 1. the black bag is big. the greenis light.

a. ones b. one c. bags

) 2. damingyour bag!

a. look b. look at c. see

) 3. —lingling, the bag is nice.

it's he**y.

a. and b. but c. so

) 4. i want the bag with two

a. pocket b. pockets c. pocket's

) 5. —is the blue bag light?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it is. c. yes, it isn’t.

) 6. it's easy for him

a. to carry b. carry c. carries

) 7. my mothera new bikeme yesterday.

a. buys; for b. bought ; to c. bought; for

) 8. this dress issmall for your sister.

a. too b. to c. two

) 9. this black box is bighe**y.

a. or b. and c. but

) 10. your friend canithis home.

a. take; at b. takes; to c. take ; to


) 1. 在商店里,售货员建议你试穿某件衣服时,她会说。

a. great!

b. why not this one?

c. try this one, please!

) 2. 你决定买某个东西时,你会对售货员说。

a. i'll take them.

b. give it to me.

c. i'll take it.

) 3. 你的朋友给你看她刚买的连衣裙时,你应该说。

a. your dress is very nice.

b. your dress is too big.

c. your dress is small.

) 4. 你想告诉你的朋友你的t恤衫上有一只熊猫时,你应该说。

a. i've got a panda.

b. my t-shirt has got a panda on it.

c. my t-shirt is a panda.

) 5. 搬这个箱子你觉得太重了时,你应该说。

a. this box is too light.

b. this box is too he**y for me.

c. this box is for me.


's an雨伞)

s __for me to carry this small bag.(容易)

3---where's my pen?

---it's in your口袋)

are two轮子)

s very hard for me fly a___风筝)


linda: look, mum. 1

mum: ok, i'll buy a new one for you.

sales assistant: 2

linda: i want to buy a t-shirt.

mum: oh, this red one is nice. 3

linda: 4it's very beautiful. it's got a flower on it. i like it very much.

mum: great! 5

linda: thank you, mum.

a. look at this white one.

b. can i help you?

c. my t-shirt is small.

d. we'll take it.

e. but it's too big for you.


一 1---5 edcab

6 --10 ghfji

二 1—5cbbca

三 1be 2looks 3 try 4take 5has

四 1—5bbbba 6—10acabc

五 1c2c3a 4b5b

六 1umbrella 2easy 3pocket 4wheels 5kite

七 1c2 b3e4a 5d

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一 单词归类 一 物品类。1.toy玩具2.doll洋娃娃3.kite风筝4.box盒子5.book书6.computer game电脑游戏 二 交通工具。1.ship轮船2.car小车3.bike自行车4.bus公共汽车 三 动物类。1.monkey猴子2.tiger老虎3.lion狮子4.an ...