外研版 三年级起点 五年级英语下册期中检测题 含答案

发布 2022-12-02 00:02:28 阅读 2183




( )重的。

( )容易的。

( )电影。

( )写。( )早餐。

( )6.昨晚 card

( )7. 外语 night

( )8电视节目 language

( )9. 百货商店 store

( )10.图书卡 programme

二、小小翻译家。(10 分)

( )was a dancer ten years ago.

( )mother taught music last year.

( )3. lily is learning english now.

( )4. the t-shirt has got a panda on it.

( )5. i had fish and chips for dinner.









's got(完整形式。

四、选择填空: 读一读,在每小题内选出正确的选项完成句。


) the old man is talking___his life.

) aunt couldn't sing___dance then.

) bananasmy friend.

a buy; for to for

)4.--what did you___for breakfast?

---i___eggs and sausages.

a .h**e; had b. h**e; had had

) computer in our school many years ago.

't 't ) bag is very light. it'll be___for you to carry.

b too he**y

)7did you go last sunday ?

-- i went to the park.

b. where


m coming. 's a good idea. you for coming.


does it say?

b. how was it different?

did you live?


a. it's delicious 's lovely. 'll take it.


a. taught b. walked d. carry e .ask

) we can __them to come.

) school yesterday.

) little girl can't___the box.

) you for___us.

) aunt was a teacher


can't take this old bag __china.

red t-shirt is too bigyou.

s a programmeanimals.

must bring back the bookstwo weeks' time.

m not good __it.

七、阅读理解:读一读,根据短文内容判断每小题正 (t)误(f)。(10分)

i'm lucy. my old bike is broken. i can't ride it to school.

so my mother bought a new one for me today. it's small but beautiful. it's 's my f**ourite colour.

it has got a big basket(车筐). i can put my bag in it. i can ride my new bike to school from monday to friday.

i'm very happy.

)'s old bike is broken.

)'s father bought her a new bike.

)'s f**ourite colour is red.

)'s new bike has got a basket.

) rides her new bike to school .


一 1---5 e b d c a

6 --10 g h j i f

二 1b 2d3 e4 a 5c

三 1lovely 2light 3easy 4i will 5it has got

四 1—5 bccac

6—10 cbbba

五 1e2b3 d 4c 5a

六 1b 2e 3a 4d5c

七 1t 2f 3f 4t5t


一 单词归类 一 物品类。1.toy玩具2.doll洋娃娃3.kite风筝4.box盒子5.book书6.computer game电脑游戏 二 交通工具。1.ship轮船2.car小车3.bike自行车4.bus公共汽车 三 动物类。1.monkey猴子2.tiger老虎3.lion狮子4.an ...


一 单词归类。一 物品类。1.toy玩具。2.doll洋娃娃。3.kite风筝。4.box盒子。5.book书。电脑游戏。二 交通工具。1.ship轮船。2.car小车。3.bike自行车。4.bus公共汽车。三 动物类。1.monkey猴子。2.tiger老虎。3.lion狮子。4.an elep...


外研版三年级起点三年级英语下册外研版三年级起点三年级英语下册。一 单词归类 一 物品类1 toy玩具 二 交通工具1 ship轮船 三 动物类1 monkey猴子5 panda熊猫1 tall高的小的 五 食品类1 rice米饭6 peanut花生 六 水果类1 pear梨子 七 功课类1 chin...