
发布 2022-12-02 00:03:28 阅读 8900






)1. a summer b winter c window

)2. a go home b go to school c go to bed

)3. a milk b meat c maths

)4. a breakfast b basketball c banana

)5. a hotb h**e c has


a b c d e


) it’s half past six. b it’s spring festival.

) i h**e chinese. b i don’t like basketball.

) 13. a it’s chinese new year. b yes, i do.

) 14. a here you are. b no, he doesn’t.

) 15 a. we h**e peanuts. b happy christmas!



)16. a autumn b winter c sunny

)17. a apple b pass c pear

)18. a give b peanuts c sweets

)19. a christmas b chinese c science

) for b about c fish

)21. a ship b car c toy

) basketball b swimming c football

)23. a weather b cold c cool

)24. a fly b warm c play

)25. aseven b forc two

五、根据**的内容找出相关的句子,把**的序号写在句子的括号里。(每小题2分, 共10分)

ab cd e

) 26. we play football at the weekend.

) 27. we sing songs at christmas.

) 28. we h**e christmas in england.

) 29. what’s the time,please?

it’s half past ten.

) 30. it’s raining today.



a pass me the book,please. b yes, you are. c here you are.


no. b oh, i see. c oh, i don’t know.


you like milk? b do you like sweets? c do you like apples?


a i go to school at seven o’clock. b i go home at seven o’clock.

c i go to school at half past seven.

) 35.今天是圣诞节,你会对朋友说:

a happy hew year. b happy christmas. c happy birthday.


)36. i like

a swim b skip c swimming

)37. tombreakfast at twelve o’clock.

a has b h**e c h**ing

( )coldwinter.

a for b at c in

( )spring festival

a it’s christmas. b it’s chinese new year c it’s your birthday.

( )me the rice,plesae.

a yes,i am. b here you are. c thank you.

( )bananas.

a don’t b doesn’t c isn’t


( )41. i h**e aon my birthday.

) you likeyes, i do.

( )43. it’stoday.




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