
发布 2023-04-18 13:05:28 阅读 8471


1. send an email

好主意。2. h**e lunch


3. good idea

吃午饭。4. too big


5. in the library


1. get(过去式)--

2. he**y (反义词)--3. buy(过去式)--

4. big(比较级5. china(形容词)--

6. watch (过去式完全形式。

完全形式9. is (过去式。

10. go(过去式。


) 1. ten years ago, he __b. taught 2.

did amy and sam go to school yesterday?a. yes, she did.

b. no, they didn' didn't.( it’sa




) 4.__don’tyou give me a book? -that’sa good idea!

a. why is in the __of china.

___to school yesterday.

fromc. is from() 8.—line a is longer .

i don't thinka.it

b. that

c. so() 9. i listen to the cds___the in b.

on c. to()10. his mum and grandma___are b.

am c. is


1.我昨天早晨吃了三明治和香肠 i had sandwiches and sausages for i had sandwiches and hamburgers for breakfast


want to xinjiang in my holiday.

will go to xinjiang for my holiday.


a.let’s send an email to send an email from father.


was very different in china many years ago.

was very different in china


at this blue bag. it has got four wheels.

blue one has got four wheels.


who where when what how old

1.__did you go for your holiday? -i went to dalian.

2.__did you go with on your holiday? -my parents.

3.__is zhang wei? -he’s33 years old.

4.__did lingling go to xinjia ng? -in july.

5.__did you buy ? i bought a pair of chopsticks.


you seelingling’sphotos?

a. i'm from china.( 2. can i see the photos?

b. i'm fine, thank you.( 3. where did you go last month?

c. yes, i do.( 4. when did you go there?

d. becauce i don't like it.( lian ?

e. that's a good idea.( an e-mail to dad.

f. it's in the north of china.( eat it?

g. i went in july.( you agree?

h. i went to england.( are you?

i. yes, you can.( are you from?

j. no,i didn't.


about , what , chopsticks ,(

climbed i taishang mountain (.

3. send

let’an to father email (

oranges , what , some, about (

in china north


mr green is from england . he and his wife are teachers. they teach english in beijing.

they h**e a boy and a girl . they are jack and mary .jack is older than mary .

they h**e two bikes. the big one is for jack. the small one is for mary.

they go to the park on sundays. they likechina very much.

) green is english.

) and his wife are workers.

) are in china .

) is younger than mary.

) go to the park on sundays.


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