
发布 2023-04-18 13:06:28 阅读 8970




1. sun. (完全形式复数形式3.


跳舞6.在……后面7. 说英语8.

看电视9. 练功夫10. 打乒乓。

2、用所给的词的正确形式填空:(2分×5 )

can youdo)?

canclean) the classroom.

sister can do many things at home,so she is veryhelp).

) my f**ourite food.

mother can cook themeal).


)1. whatthe monkey do?

a. are b. can c. do

)2. i canthe clothes.

a. wash b. do c. clean

)3. can you empty the trash

a. no, i can. b. yes, i can’t. c. no, i can’t.

)4. i cana computer well.

a. uses b. use c. to use d. using

) 5. what can you

a. do b. to do c. are

)6. there is___clock in my room.

a. a c.不填

)7. there __a pen, a pencil and three erasers in my pencil case.

a. are

)8. -is the air-conditioner? -it’s over the mirror.

) picture is the wall.

a. at b. on c. in

)10. there books on the book shelf.

a. are b. is c. am


( )1. what can you do? a. she can water the plants.

( )2. what can sarah do? b. i can see a toy.

( )3. can you use a computer? c. no, i can’t.

( )is the trash bin? d. it's near the door.

( )5. what can you seee. i can wash the clothes.


1. can't , wash , i, clothes, the ,,there, is, nature park, the, in, city

3. windows, can, amy , the, clean

4. do, can, you, what

computer, there, the, a, on, desk


1. i’d like some carrot juice.(对划线部分提问)

___would you

monday today. (对划线部分提问)

is it today ?

is kind.(改为一般疑问句)

he kind ?

4. he can cook the meals.(改为一般疑问句)

are two end tables near the bed.(改为一般疑问句)


this is a picture of my room. there is a big bed. there are two blue curtains.

there is a big table. the closet is near the table. many clothes are in the closet.

the trash bin is behind the door. the mirror is under the air-conditioner. what’s on the table?

there is a computer. i work with it.

) color are the curtains?

a. white b. blue c. yellow

) is the table?

a. it’s near the bed.

b. it’s near the closet.

c. it’s behind the door.

) is the air-conditioner?

a. it’s on the table.

b. it’s behind the mirror.

c. it’s over the mirror.

) are in the closet?

a. a computer. b. a trash bin. c. many clothes.

) can i do in my room?

a. play computer games. b. play football. c. water flowers.

九、写作 (10分)

你的房间里有什么呢?请用几句话简单地介绍一下你的房间。要求:用上there is/are….句型,并说清楚位置关系;不少于30词。


a 用途 b原材料 c加工方法 d主要成分。7 gb7635 87属于 a国际商品目录 b国家商品目录 c部门商品目录 d企业商品目录。8 gb7635 87属于 a数字型 b字母型 c数字字母混合型 d条形码。9 报社 杂志社通过邮局发行报刊改为自办发行,这是 a增减分销渠道中的中间商。b增减某一...


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2018 2019年度 上 泾源县城关一小五年级月考 一 试卷。考号班级姓名。第一部分 基础知识积累与运用。44 分 一 看拼音,写汉字。5分 w y n b n l b i s n ling h n sh l 二 用 划出带点字的正确的读音。3分 泊船 b p 风一更 g ng g ng 婀娜。分...