人教pep版 下册 三年级英语期末练习

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1. gir ffe 2. anada3. ca4. stra berry 5. t acher

三、算一算, 将正确答案的序号填到横线上。


a: welcome!1

b: sorry. i don’t like bananas.

a: 2b: no, i don’t. it’s too big.

a: 3b: yes, i do. and i like apple juice too.

a: great! 4

b: how many apples do you h**e?

a: 5六、根据所给的情景,选出正确的答案。


a. that old man is who?

b. who is that old man?

c. who is that man?

)2. 如果你想说“我来自美国。” 你应该这样说:

a. i’m an american student.

b. i’m in the usa.

c. i’m from the usa.

)3. 你想知道那个男孩是否是对方的哥哥, 可以这样问:

a. is he your brother?

b. who is your brother?

c. that is your brother.

)4. 如果你想说“这只熊猫真可爱。”可以这样说:

a. look at the panda.

b. the monkey is so cute.

c. the panda is so cute.

)5. 如果你想说“我们回家吧!”可以这样说:

a. go home!

b. let’s go home!

c. come on!

一、二、1. a 2. c 3. r 4. w 5. e

三、1. eleven 2. fourteen 3. thirteen 4. sixteen 5. fifteen

五、1-5 ecabd

六、1-5 bcacb

三年级下册人教pep版unit 4 where is my car_ 单元达标测试卷。

unit 4 where is my car 达标测试卷。


听力部分 (40分)


) 1. a. desk b. child c. chair

) 2. a. map b. home c. small

) 3. a. meet b. boat c. about

) 4. a. short b. toy box c. desk

) 5. a. ball b. boy c. for


) 1. a.

) 2. b.

) 3. c.

) 4. d.

) 5. e.


) 1. a. where is my pen? b. where is my pencil?

) 2. a. is it on the chair? b. is it under the chair?

) 3. a. it's in your bag. b. it's in your desk.

) 4. a. my books are on the black desk. b. my book is on the black desk.

) 5. a. put your hand under the desk. b. put your foot under the desk.


) can i use your pen?

) is it in the bag?

) where is my dog?

) it's under your book.

) it's on the chair.

笔试部分 (60分)


) doll 1. that cat is in the box.

) body 2. the cat is on the car.

) orange 3. the boy is under the desk.

) fox 4. my dog is under my bed.

) mom 5. it's under your book.


) 1. a. father b. table c. desk

) 2. a. in b. under c. tail

) 3. a. boat b. children c. car

) 4. a. teacher b. behind c. on

) 5. a. foot b. hand c. box


) 1. amy is on the bed.

) 2. look at me green desk.

) 3. is the map under the boat?

) 4. the books is on the pencil box.

) 5. put your pencil in your pencil box.


) 1. wheremy pens?

a. are b. is c. am

) 2. —look! it'sbook.

oh, yes !

a. you b. him c. your

) 3your hand on your desk.

a. let b. put c. look

) 4. muma good time.

a. h**e b. has c. how

) 5. i can't __tom!

a. look b. find c. can


) 1. are you ready?

) 2. where is tom?

) 3. is she on the bed?

) 4. where is my mother?

) 5. h**e a good time.


) 1. 你的尺子找不到了,你想问同桌有没有看到,你可以这样说:

a. where is my ruler? b. can you look my ruler?

) 2. 你想问爸爸,你的妈妈去**了,你可以这样说:

a. what's your name? b. where is my mother?

) 3. 迈克要去旅游了,你想祝他旅途愉快,你可以这样说:

a. goodbye, mike. b. h**e a good time,mike.

) 4. 你想让你弟弟把手放到桌子上,你可以这样说:

a. put your hand on the desk. b. put your hand under the desk.

) 5. 你找不到朋友在**,你可以这样说:

a. where are you? b. what are you?


a. he's in the tree. b. he's under the tree.

a. they are in the desk. b. they are on the desk.

a. yes,it is. b. no,it isn't.

a. is the box under the toy car? b. is the box on the toy car?

a. wow! silly you! b. bye! h**e a good time!


例:—where's my pen?

it's in the pencil box.


人教pep版 三年级英语下册期末试卷。题目得分。一。二。三。四。五。六。七。八。听力部分 30分 一 听音,选出听到的单词。10分 1.a.long big 2.a.desk b.capc.twenty 3.a.under b.strawberry c.map 4.a.pupil grandma 5...


三年级下册英语期末模拟试卷。一。给下列 选择相符的单词。8分 二。根据汉语提示,选择正确的一项补全单词。8分 1.tea er 教师a.thb.ch 2.sh t 矮的。3.der 在 下面 un 葡萄a.ra b.ar 三。找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,打 10分 1.a.big 2.a.she...


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