
发布 2023-03-18 21:17:28 阅读 5783

五年级上册unit 6 in a nature park第二课时说课稿


我说课的内容是pep book 5 unit 6 in a nature park.的第二课时,主要学习there be 句型的一般疑问句的单数形式:is there …及其两种回答:

yes, there is./ no, there isn’t.并能够在情景中灵活运用。


本节课是对话教学。它是在学生初步学习了a部分单词和句型“there is…之后进行教学的。通过学习对话,感知一般疑问句is there…的用法,本课时看似难点不多,但自然公园里涉及到的自然景观只能通过想象或课件**交流学习,缺乏真实性,不能身临其境有感而发。



知识目标:能够听懂、会说 “is there …?yes, there is. /no, there isn’t. 并能在情景中运用。




1、重点掌握句型:“is there …?yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.









1、free talk 2、let’s chant

do you like chant? let’s listen.


二、自由谈论,自然导入本节课的重点句型 1.猜一猜。

通过谈论室内的物品引出本节课的重点句子 :is there …?

yes, there is. /no,there isn’t. 然后谈论房子在**引出自然公园,运用猜谜游戏说说自然公园里有什么?吊起学生的胃口,驱使学生运用新句型。

boys and girls. nice to meet you.

nice to meet you, your new english like you do you like me ? look,this is my house.(课件出现小房子) what is my room like ?

let’s go and h**e a look.(课件出示房间,室内物品不全) guide the ss describle it.

2.导入一般疑问句 :利用课件让学生猜一猜。

t: is there a picture over the bed ? you think so you answer “yes, there is.

”(板书) if you don’t think so you answer “no,there isn’t.”(板书)

t:is there a picture over the bed?

s1/s2: no, there isn’t.(点击出现镜子)

t: is there a closet under the air-conditioner?

s1/s2:yes,there is. (点击出现衣橱)

t: is there a book on the desk?

s1/s2 : no,there isn’t. (点击出现书包)

我在这个环节和学生讨论房间内的物品,不仅复习了there be 句型,同时在讨论中自然地导出一般疑问句is there…?,这样学生在一个平等轻松的氛围中,他们的思维也是放松的,敢于说、敢于参与教学。把学生当成学习的主人,尽可能地给学生多一点思考的时间,多一点活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。


1、t:(点击课件出现一片草地)where is the house? oh,it’s in the nature park.

the nature park is beautiful. guess ? what’s in it?

(引导学生运用一般疑问句询问:is there a… in the nature park ?)点击出现自然公园的全景。

a guessing game in groups

else ? look,maybe there is a lake /tree/..老师出示图卡,抽调一张引导学生猜)can you guess ?

first the teacher makes a modle .then make a group of four to practise in check two groups.(每个小组一套图卡)

利用学生手中的词卡进行游戏式两人操练,学生比较喜欢,能激励学生主动学习一般疑问句的表达方法,而且复习了a 部分的词汇,激发学生的参与热情,活跃了课堂气氛,同时也为新知做好铺垫。通过小组练习面向全体学生,使每个学生都能参与到活动中来并且培养了学生的合作意识。)

3、 听力先行,感知新语言——let’s try

1、t:here are two pictures .(课件出示try 部分的两幅图) i like one of them.

can you guess which one is my f**ourite ? you ask and i answer .then choose .

ask the ss ask and the teacher answers then choose teacher’s f**ourite picture.

s1/s2:is there …?

t: yes,there is./ no, there isn’t.

2、listen to a tape and choose picture 1 or picture 2

设计意图:听力练习可以用来帮助学生在进入let’s talk 新句型的学习之前先从听觉上感知新语言点。所以这部分放在talk 的前面)

四、呈现新知, 学习新知。——let’s talk

ok ! you did good job. who are they?

(课件出示zhang peng 和 john头像)what are they talking about ? open your books of page 71 and h**e a look at the dialogue answer :nature park

yes,there is a nature park in zhang peng’s city .do you know city ? learn the word “city”,dongying is a city.

beijingis a city.

1. let’s listen what’s the nature park like ?师提问题:

is there a river/ farm in the nature park ?

listen again and follow it.

3. read the dialogue with your partners. then check in groups.

are three pictures here.(课件呈现课本对话**三张 ) you choose one and make a new dialogue. then act 。


五、合作互动拓展练习 pair work

t:listening,who is calling ? 出示zoom 和zip 打****) oh, there is a beautiful nature park in zoom’s city .

he is inviting zip.

then the t makes a model with the ss.

t:if there is a nature park in your city. invite your good friends to your home.

make a new phone with your friends.

practise in pairs first,then act .




the nature park is city is beautiful, too. (课件呈现东营美景) we should pretect it. don’t walk on the grass .

don’t pick up the beautiful flowers. ok !this class you did good job.

that’s all .bye.


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