五年级下册英语难点归纳1 1

发布 2023-03-18 01:37:28 阅读 6461


班级姓名。1. at 、in、on 表示时间都翻译成“在……”但用法不同:

1) at(在……点钟): 表示时间的某一点、某一时刻用at。如 at 5:00, at six o’clock。

例题: get up 7:00. play sports three.

eat lunch noon.

2) in(在……)表示在上午、下午或晚上以及月或季节等较长的时间用 in。如:in the morning 、in the evening、in april、in spring。

例题: eat dinner7:00 the evening.

birthday is june. can plant trees summer.

3)on(在……)表示在星期几或某一特定的日期、节日用on。如on mondays 、on the weekend、on july 4th 、on national day。

例题:1. i often play the piano saturdays and sundays.

2. my birthday is sept. 10th.

3. i often go to the zoo children’s day.

*4. i often dance saturday morning. 背诵1:

you for doing sth. (感谢你做了某事),如thank you for后面要接动词,则动词要加ing。

例题:thank you for telling me about your day.

后面接动词ing形式:如 go shopping、 go skating、go sleeping。


1)too 用在肯定句中,通常放在句尾。

如:my birthday is in june. uncle bill’s birthday is in june


如:my birthday isn’t in june. uncle bill’s birthday isn’t in june

背诵25. 动词在第三人称单数后的变化:第三人称指的是:she, he ,it ,amy(人名),my father,my mother等等。单数指的是一个人。

1.直接在动词后+s 如:play—plays climb—climbs eat—eats plant-plants。

2.特殊动词+es 如:watch—watches do—does go—goes。


例题: uaually __go) to school at 7:00.

___like) to climb mountains.

___h**e) english class on mondays.

often __play) the piano on the weekend.

doing sth 和like to do sth

如:i like to swim in the sea. i like swimming in the sea.

例题:1. i like to (read) books.

2. i like (read) books.


什么 在** 什么时候为什么 哪一个。



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