
发布 2023-03-16 11:18:28 阅读 8362



a. what do you get up ? b. when do you get up? c. when do you go to bed?

2. 你想知道今天是星期几,你可以问:(

a. what time is it ? b. what day is it today? c. what’s the weather like today?

3. 你想知道同学中谁的生日在二月,你会问( )

a when is your birthday? b what time is your birthday? c who has a birthday in february?

4. 你在问别人问题之前,应有礼貌地说:(

b. i ask you . c. excuse me.


a. can i ask you some questions? b. how old are you ? c. are you yao ming?

6. 你想邀请朋友和你一起去远足,你应该说:(

you go hiking? b. yes, let’s go . c. let’s go.

7. 你想了解对方周末做什么,你应说:(

time is it now? b. what day is it today? c. what do you h**e on the weekend?

8. 你想问今天的天气如何,你应说:(

time is it now? b. what day is it today? c. what’s the weather like today?

9. 你想了解对方是干什么的,你可以说:(

can you do ? do you do ? c. who are you ?

10. 别人对你表示感谢,你可以这样回答:(

welcome. b. don’t thank me. c. all right.

11. 你想问同学今天上什么课,你可以说:(

do you do today? b. what do you h**e today? c. what do you h**e for lunch today?

12. 你想了解别人最喜欢那个季节,你应说:(

do you like ? b. what ‘s your f**ourite season? c. what’s your f**ourite food?

13. mike 问起你的身体状况,他可以这样问:(

morning. b. how are you ? c. what’s your name ?

14. 你想问对方想不想和你去种树,你应说:(

a. do you like to plant trees with me ? b. would you like to plant trees with me ?

plant trees together.


time to go . b. hurry up. c. what time do you go ?


a. what day is it today? b. what’s the time now? c. what’s the weather like now?

17. 如果你想了解去北京的最佳时间,你应说:(

is the best time to go to beijing? b. when do yo want to go to beijing?

c. what’s the weather like in beijing?

18. 如果你是售货员,顾客来到你的店,你应说:(

i help you? b. can you help me? c. do you want?

19. 同学祝你儿童节快乐,你可以这样回答:(

children’s day. new year. c. thank you.

20. 你想知道别人的生日是不是在三月,你应说:(

your birthday in march? b. what month is it ? c. when is your birthday

21. a. 你想问别人今天是几月几日,你应说:(

the date today? day is it today? c what is it ?.


mother’s day! b. happy teacher’s day! c. happy women’s day!

23. 描述秋天的天气,你应说:(

windy and cold in fall. b. it's windy and cool in fall sunny and hot in fall.

24. 朋友建议和你一起做生日卡片,你同意了,你可以说:(

idea. welcome. c. i don’t like.

25. 你想知道对方的年龄,你可以说:(

a. where are you from? b. how are you ? c. how old are you?

26. 第一次和陌生人见面,你应说:(

are you doing? are you ? c. how do you do ?

27. 如果你想问lily 的妈妈的身体状况,你应说:(

s your mother like ? your mother pretty? c. how is your mother?

28. 你想了解别人什么时候生日,你应说:(

a. do you h**e a birthday? b. when do you get up ? c. when is your birthday?


a. i am cooking dinner. b. i can cook. c. i often cook dinner.

30. 如果你不小心撞到了别人,你应说: (

ok. b. i’m sorry. c. can you walk?


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