
发布 2022-11-26 05:05:28 阅读 5808




)1. 下列两个字母中,字母是一笔完成的。

a. bb. c

)2. 对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说:__

a. watch outb. welcome!

)3. mike来自加拿大,他自我介绍时应该说:__

a. hi! i’m mike. i’m from canada. b. hi! i’m mike. i’m in canada.

)4. 你想让别人进来,可以说:__

a. come inb. come on.

)5. thismy friend.

a. isb. are

)6. 别人跟你道歉,你可以说:__

a. it’s okb. i’m sorry.

)7. 不小心碰掉了别人的铅笔盒,你要说:__

a. it’s okb. i’m sorry.


)1. 当你下午遇到朋友时说:__

a. good morningb. good afternoonc. goodbye.

)2. 当你要表达你来自中国时,你应说:__

a. i am from canada. b. i am chinac. i am from china.

)3. 当别人对你说:i’m sorry.时,你应该说:__

a. it’s okb. thank youc. here you are.

)4. 新学期开始了,你又见到同学时应说:__

a. how old are you? b. nice to see you, again.

)5. thismy friend.

a. isb. are

)6. 班上来了新同学,他说:hello, i am zhang peng.时,你应该说:__

a. goodbyeb. welcome.


)1. 当你和家人在路上遇到老师,你应介绍说:

a. where are you from? b. this is my teacher, mr li. c. nice to meet you.

)2. 你想知道班里的新同学从**来,应该问:__

a. where are you from? b. what’s your name? c. who are you?

)3. 当对方向你问好:nice to meet you.你应回答:__

a. hellob. nice to meet you, too. c. thank you.

)4. 亮亮向同学介绍自己的弟弟,他说:__

a. he is my brotherb. this is my brother.

)5. 当你对事实表示怀疑时,可以说:__

a. reallyb. wow!


)1. 当你询问**上的女人是谁时,应说:__

a. who is the woman? b. what’s shec. who’s the man?

)2. 当你想让别人和你一起做事时,应说:__

a. come outb. come inc. come on!

)3. 当你对事实表示怀疑时,可以说:__

a. greatb. reallyc. wow!

)4. 当别人问你:who is the girl?时,你不能回答:__

a. she is my sister, nancy. b. she is in a shopc. sorry, i don’t know.

)5. 当你夸赞对方的服装漂亮时,应说:__

a. how bigb. how funnyc. how beautiful!

)6. 你和妈妈走在大街上,远处有位叔叔向你们走来,你问妈妈:__

a. who’s that manb. who’s that boyc. who’s than woman?

)7. 在动物园里,各种各样的动物真可爱:

lucy: look at the elephant.

mikea. it’s so look

)8. teacher: it has a long nose. it has big ears and a short tail.


a. it’s an antb. it’s an elephantc. it’s a panda.


)1. 当别人帮助了你,你应该说:__

a. thank youb. hello!

)2. 当你向别人介绍你的好朋友lisa时,你应该说:__

a. this is lisab. i’m lisa.

)3. 当你欢迎新来的同学的时候,你可以说:__

a. welcomeb. thank you.

)4. 当别人邀请你和他(她)一起做游戏时,你可以说:__

a. welcomeb. ok!

)5. 你想知道那个女孩是谁说:__

a. what’s sheb. who’s she?

)6. 在动物园与你看到大象时想说:__

a. it’s so bigb. it’s so small.

)7. 你想询问你的铅笔盒在**,你该说:__

a. where is my pencil case? b. what’s in my pencil case?

)8. 你想询问某物品是否在玩具盒子里,你会说:__

a. are you in the toy box? b. is it in the toy box?

)9. 你想表达自己的书包放在了书桌下面,你会说:__

a. my bag is on the desk. b. my bag is under the desk.


)1. 询问什么东西在什么地方?

mike: where is my pen?

lucya. here you areb. give it to me.

c. in your bagd. yes.

)2. 当询问对方某样东西时,若对方不确定,可以用疑问语气。

john: mum, where is my car?

muma. nob. let’s play a game.

c. on your deskd. look out.

)3. john向amy借铅笔,amy说当然可以。

john: excuse me, amy. can i use your pencil?

amya. it’s okb. it’s very good.

c. good idead. sure.

)4. mike向lucy借尺子,lucy答应了,从以下的答案中找出不能填入括号中答案。

mike: excuse me, lucy. can i use your ruler?

lucya. certainlyb. sure, here you are.

c. no problemd. thank you.


)1. 你劝来你家做客的小朋友多吃点东西,应该说:__

a. do you like bananas? b. h**e some more(更多的).

)2. 你想吃块蛋糕,应该怎么对妈妈讲:__

a. mom! can i h**e a model car? b. can i h**e a cake, mom?

)3. 你去别人家做客,主任对你说:h**e some fruits.你应回答:__

a. thank youb. ok.

)4. 当你想表示不喜欢西瓜时可以说:__

a. i like watermelons. b. i don’t like watermelons.

)5. 当你想让别人吃些水果时可以说:__

a. h**e some fruits. b. h**e some more.


)1. 桌子上摆了各种美味的食品,amy问bai ling爱不爱吃苹果,bai ling说不喜欢:

amy: do you like apples?

bai ling

a. i’m hungryb. ok.

c. no, i don’td. no, i do.

)2. john请mike喝一杯果汁,mike高兴地答应了:

johna. h**e some juice, please. b. do you like juice?

c. give me juiced. there is a cup of juice.

)3. 当你拒绝某种东西时,用sorry显得较委婉:

miss li: do you like bananas, amy?

amya. nob. yes.

c. sorry, i don’t like. d. sorry, i like.

)4. 当别人向你请求某样东西时,用sure或certainly:

john: can i h**e some orange juice, please?

saraha. sure, here you are. b. no, you can’t.


三年级英语下册情景对话专项训练。一 情景对话。1.下列两个字母中,字母 是一笔完成的。a.bb.c 2.对班上来的新同学表示欢迎,你要说 a.watch out b.welcome 3.mike来自加拿大,他自我介绍时应该说 a.hi i m mike.i m from hi i m mike.i ...


1 当你想用英语向别人打招呼时,应说 hello hi 2 早上,你在校园里碰见了miss white,你对她说 good morning 3 下午,你见到好朋友问好要说 good afternoon 4 当你和朋友道别时,应说 goodbye bye see you 5 当你想知道对方叫什么名字时...


导读 本文。第一篇 1.hello!i m wu yifan.2.show me your pencil.铅笔 ruler尺子 pen钢笔 crayon蜡笔 eraser橡皮 bag书包 book书 sharpener卷笔刀 pencil case铅笔盒 3.what syour name?my n...