
发布 2020-07-29 17:47:28 阅读 3380


)1. -how do you do

fine,thank you. do you do? are you?

)2.--let’s go to the park.

i am doing my homework.

)3i’m from qingdao.

are you? are you from? are you?

)4.--here are you

all right. welcome. you.

)5it’s four kilomteres.

big is it? long is it? old is it?

)6.--can you speak english

i can’t. i do. am.

)7it’s in the bag.

is new york? is this? is she?

)8it’s the spring festival.

your f**ourite festival?

this? can you see?

)9.--can you speak french?

but i can speak english.

)10it’s got about eight million people.

long is it? tall are you? big is new york?



morning. are you?

)2.假设你是li ping ,当人家问你"are you li ping?"时,你应该说:

name is li ping . i am. am not.


me. )4.当你向别人介绍你的朋友jim时,你应说:

is jim. is jim. am jim.


are welcome.


do you do ? are you ? you.


fine. ok. c. i’m sorry.


to meet you . to meet you.

to meet you.

)9. 你想和新认识的同学交朋友,可以这样说:

a. nice to meet you. want you is my friend.

want you to be my friend.

( )10.你看到一本非常有趣的故事书,发出这样的感叹:

an interesting story-book.

an interesting story-book!

like this story-book.


a:pleased to meet you ,daming.


a:__2b:my hobby is collecting postcards.

a:h**e you got any american and chinese festival postcards?



b:no,i h**en’ i h**e a postcard about chinese spring festival.


b:they h**e a big dinner together and visit each other.

i h**e.

can chinese do on spring festival?

to meet you,too.

your hobby?

you got a postcard about thanksgiving?


a)( i can play football with my friends.

)can you dance?

)yes, there is .

)yes, i about you?

)what are you doing,linda?

)is there a football in your class?

)i’m playing the violin.

b)( can you speak english?

)hello, to meet you.

)yes,i can speak some english.

)it’s “do you like noodles”?

)pleased to meet you ,too.

)oh,you speak very good english.

)how to say”你喜欢面条吗?”

)thank you.

d)( h**e you got any dragon kites?

)flying kites is my hobby.

)do you collect stamps?

)yes, i do.

)yes, i you want to fly a kite with me?

)that’s a good idea!

1 )do you h**e any hobbies ,daming?

)yes,i’ve got lots of stamps is my about you?


a) (you want to go to the park?

) many countries are there in the un?

) is the summer palace?

) is the un building open?

) did you find?

book and a cd.

in beijing.

we do .

e.191a. b)

d)( did you do yesterday?

) you buy a basketball?

) much cheese do you want?

) dress is this ?

) you like apples?

) you happy?

a. no,i’m not.

b. it’s lingling’s.

c. i watched tv at home.

d. yes,i did.

e. i want two kilos

f. no,i don’t.

e)( did you go last summer?

) will you do at seven tomorrow?

)3. i’m very tired.

) there lots of factories?

) you got a pen friend from america?

) you collect dolls?

) is amy’s hobby?

a. collecting dolls is her hobby.

b. why don’t you go to bed?

c. no, i don’t.

d. i will eat breakfast.

六年级英语总复习 情景对话

情景对话在六年级考试中算是比较简单的题目,在我们的日常教学中都一直在练习,其考察基本会出现在选择题中一般4 6分。不过有个别几个学生容易犯错,通过练习需要学生重点记忆。一 基本练习 1 同学之间互相打招呼时可以说 a.hellob.goodbye 2 向别人作自我介绍时说 a.i m sarahb....


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