
发布 2023-03-09 11:30:28 阅读 7000

unit 2 what time do you go to school?短语整理。

get up起床;站起。

get dressed穿上衣服。

take a shower洗淋浴。

radio station广播电台。

on weekends(在)周末。

do(one’s) homework做作业。

take a walk散步;走一走。

either … or …要么……要么……;或者……或者……

lots of大量;许多。

brush one’s teeth


eat / h**e breakfast吃早餐。

go to school上学。

用法讲解。go to bed去睡觉。

go to work去上班。

go home回家。

clean one’s room


play sports做运动。

in the morning在早上。

at noon在中午。

at night在晚上。

afternoon tea下午茶。

be late for…

…迟到了。be good for…对……有好处。

get up起床;站起。

o起床:i usually get up

站起:i got up when the leader came in.

get dressed穿上衣服。

oget +过去分词。

the window got broken / the car got cleaned

take a shower洗淋浴。

otake a bath在浴缸里洗澡。

otake a walk散步;走一走。

do(one’s) homework做作业。

oyou need to do your homework.

either … or …要么……要么……;或者……或者……


oeither amy or lily can read this book now. amy和lily中只有一个人现在能读这本书。

othis book is either amy’s or lily’s.这本书要么是amy的,要么是lily的。

othe match will be held either in the gym or on the playground.这场比赛会在体育馆里或操场上举行。

oyou can come either today or tomorrow.你可以今天或明天来。

oeither you le**e now or i’ll call the police!要么你现在就离开,不然我就打**报警!

brush one’s teeth刷某人的牙。

oi brush my teeth to…去……

ogo / get to school上学。

ogo to bed去睡觉。

ogo to work去上班。

ogo home回家(home = adv.)o

go to his home去他家(home = n.)clean one’s room打扫某人的房间。

oi clean my room on the morning在早上。

oin the morning / afternoon / eveningo

at noon / nighto

on monday / on monday morningbe late for……迟到了。

odon’t be late for class.上课别迟到。

be good for …对……有好处。

oit’s good for sb to do sth

it’s good for you to eat vegetable.

odoing sports is good for you.重点句子。

that’s a funny time for breakfast!那个时间吃早饭真有意思哟!

they usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.他们通常晚上六点四十五分吃晚饭。

in the evening, i either watch tv or play computer games.晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。

she knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good!她知道这对她(健康)不利,但它(指冰激凌)却很好吃。

经典句型。what time do you …?

what time …?

when …?

i usually …

i often …

she always …

he never …

i sometimes …

i don’t h**e (much) time for … i don’t h**e time to do …


owhat time …?

回答中的时间为具体时刻,如 - what time do you go to school?-i go to school at 7 o’clock. /at 7 o’clock

owhen …?



9:00 = it’snine (o’clock)o非整点。


it’s …(相当于“几点几分”)

8:10 =it’s eight ten.

9:20 = it’s nine twenty.

9:05 =it’s nine five.


9:05 = it’s nine five. =it’s nine o five.


逆读:1.分钟+ past +小时:分钟小于等于30分。


9:05 =it’s five past nine.

9:10 = it’s ten past nine.

9:15 = it’s a quarter past nine. (15分= quarter =一刻)

9:30 = it’s half past nine. (分钟= 30 = half)2.分钟+ to +小时:分钟大于30分(相当于“几点差几分”)

9:40 =it’stwenty to ten.十点差二十分。

9:45 = it’s a quarter to ten.



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