
发布 2023-03-09 06:58:28 阅读 8406









)1.a.thank you. b.i’m sorry. c.i don’t know.

( )2.a.a glass of milk. b.i’d like some noodles.

c.i’d 1ike a small bowl of rice.

( )3.a.i go to school at 7:40 am. b.1 went to the zoo.

c.she is in the classroom.

( )4.a.it’s 5684-1256. b.it’s green.

c.room 102 of beijing hotel.

( )5.a.he is tall. b.he is my friend。 c.he is 13 years old




)11.what’s the weather like today?

a.hot. b.cloudy. c.sunny

( )12.what will sally and mike do?

a.go the zoo. b.h**e a party. c.go to the movies.


)13.what is henry doing now?

a.he is playing basketball b.he is playing volleyball.

c.he is watching tv.

( )14.which of the following does henry like?

a.animal world. b.sports shows. c.computer games.

15.what does henry think of animal world?

a.he likes it very much.

b.he doesn’t like it because it’s boring.

c.he thinks it is interesting.



1.we h**e threefor you today。

2.i want tomy listening skills.

3.she is from tokyo.she speaks

4.ifor the english test yesterday evening.

5.we had dinner in aand the waiters there were friendly.

6.do you oftenthe weekend with your grandparents?

7.most students in our school usually eat in thehall.

8.we found some boysin the lake when we passed.

9.i want to be a news***** reporteri think it’s an exciting job.

10.the first bus passed.we had tothe next one.

11.our new english teacher is ofand has short curly hair.

12.there is a new libraryour school.

13.what did you do last weekend?

iwith my mother.

14.the tv show is boring.do youme?

yes,i think so,too.

15playing soccer on sunday ?

it sounds good.


)1.do you like playingtennis?

no.i like playing the violin.

a.a b.an c.thed.(不填)

( )2.thrillers are my f**orite movies,but my sister can't stand


( )3.who is in the classroom?

they all went to the library.

a.nobody b.anybody c.everybody d.someone

( )4.many students like to read the storiesyang hong ying.

a.tob.byc.for d.with

( )5.is this sweater

no,it isn’t.we can afford it.

a.expensive b.small c.cheap d.big

( )6.if you don’t studyhow can you pass the test,frank?

a.lateb.hardc.busy d.great

( )7.what’s yourfor being late for school,cindy?

a.question b.suggestion c.reason d.hobby

( )8.when do you usually get up in the morning?

at six.butsaturday morning i get up at seven.


)9.i h**erules at school and at home . i don’t h**e much fun.

a.too much b.too many c.much too d.many too

)10.d**id is ahe sings and plays the guitar in a clu.

a.doctorb.reporter c.singer d.runner

( )11.i didn’t go to the beachvacation.i stayed at home.


( )12.barry is a good student.hegoes to school late.

a.oftenb.alwaysc.usually d.never

( )13.let’s go outside to play games,victor!

that’s a good


( )14.the special is just$2a large bowl of porridge.



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