
发布 2023-02-23 10:17:28 阅读 8414


一。 词组互译(10分)

1.弹钢琴( play the piano2.一双,一对( a pair of3.做作业( do homework ) 4.起床( get up )

from( 来自 ) about…?(怎么样? )front of( 在……的前面 )

a bike( 骑自行车 ) of( 认为 tennis( 乒乓球 )


1. friend (形容词)__friendly__ 复数)__sheep__ 简称)__gym__

4. play(单三人称)__plays__ 复数)__brushes__ 副词)__usually_

7. always(反义词)__never__ 同音词)__here_ 动词)__复数)_ tomatoes__


1. my friend li lei___studies__ study) in no.14 middle school.

2. where _does__ your mother __work__ work)? in a factory.

3. his sister and i __h**e_ (h**e) lunch together every day.

4. do you finish reading__ read) the book? sons __don’t drink __not drink) wine.

6. would you like __to visit__(visit) the great wall with me? you __play__(play) the computer games?

8. _do__ you __h**e__ h**e) a good time? father _hasn’t__(h**e not) got any sisters.

__is__ be) some meat on the table.


1. i’m tom. _my___father likes playing football.

2. joy is a good girl. she often studies hard. _her___friends study hard, too.

3. damming likes reading . his___f**ourite book is harry potter.

4. our names are lily and lucy. _we___are twins.

5. we study in no.3 middle school. _our__ english teacher is miss yang.

6. it is a dog. _its___name is cody.

7. tony, where is my bag? i can’t see __it___

8. betty likes lord of the rings. it’s __his___f**ourite film.

9. jay is a good singer. i like __his__ songs very much.

10. lingling has two aunts in the usa. _her___aunts study there.

五。从括号中选择恰当的介词填空(10分)( to, by, in, of, for, on, at, )

h**e lunch __in__ the morning. don’t go to school __on__ saturday and sunday.

go to bed __at__ half past went to the country __in_ a cold morning.

and li lei swim __in_ often h**e supper __at__ noon.

teachers come to the school __on___september 10th.

__on__ duty this __in___english ?

zhang often goes to work __by___bike.



1.it’s six thirty. (对划线部分提问) _what___time___is it?

2. it’s friday tomorrow . 对划线部分提问) _what___day___is it tomorrow?

3. lily and lucy like bananas and apples very much.(否定句)

lily and lucy __don’t___like bananas __or___apples very much.

4. his brother has some pencils in the box. (改一般疑问句)

___does___his brother __h**e___any pencils in the box?

5. he doesn’t do his homework every day. ***肯定句)

he __does___his __homework__ every day.

6. mr. smith often wears t-shirt. (对划线部分提问) _who___often wears t-shirt?

7. there are 65 students in our classroom. (对划线部分提问)

___how__ many___students in your classroom?

8. tom likes english. (对划线部分提问what__ does__ he __like___

9. they are chinese teachers.***单数句he’s __a___chinese __teacher___

10. she is thirteen years old. (对划线部分提问) _how___old___is she?


1. we like playing computer games at weekends.

a. on monday b. on friday c. on saturday and sunday

2. i would like some apple juice. a. like b. want c. h**e

3. some of the students go to school by bike.

a. ride bikes to school b. walk to school c. run to school

4. do they h**e a new television ?

a. do they like b. h**e they got c. would they like

5. d**id stays at home this morning?

a. goes home b. lives at home c. is in

八。补全对话: 根据情景从所给的六个选项中选五句填入空中,只填序号。(5分)

t: what are your f**ourite sportsb: well, 1 d .

t: now, tell me what you like to eat?

b: err, i like fish and eggs. but 2 e any meatt: 3 a?

b: oh, yes, i love vegetablest: do you drink wine?

b: no, i never drink wine or coffee. 4 ct: 5 b?


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