
发布 2022-11-03 02:45:28 阅读 6919






)1.a.jimb.americac.yes.it is.

)2.a.a teacherb.some chickenc.the uk.

)3.a.thank youb.don’t say soc.no,she isn’t.

)4.a.she likes watching tvb.she often watches tv. c.she is watching tv.

)5.a.i visited the palace museum. b.it was greatc.i was tired.



)6.a.because they are cute. b.because they are shy. c.because they are very lovely.

)7.a.it’s on heping road. b.it’s behind the park. c.it’s next to the park.

)8.a.he is tall and thin. b.he is short and thin. c.he is tall and he**y.

)9.a.a bowl of noodles. b.some fishc.a and b.

)10.a.very interesting. b.he doesn’t like them. c.he doesn’t mind them.



11.it was last night.

12.it is today,so the boy wants towith the girl.

13.it is today, so the girl thinks baiyun mountain must (一定)be .

14.they decide to go to the east lake by .

15.they can at the east lake.



)16.where does zhang hai study?

a.in no.1 middle school. b.in no.6 middle schoo1. c.in no.10 middle schoo1.

)17. what does zhang hai think of english?

a.interesting and easy(容易的). b.interesting but difficult. c.boring and difficult.

)18.what food does jack 1ike?


)19.do zhang hai and jack 1ike the same subject at school?

a.yes,they dob.no.they don’tc.we don’t know.

)20.what does jack want to be?

a.a doctorb.an artist(画家c.a soccer star



)21.—can you with me in english? —sorry, i can't english.

a.talk;sayb.talk; speakc.tell;speak

( )22.look at the picture! the man the right is south africa.

a. on;fromb.in;fromc.on;in

)23.the teacher often tell their students their pen in class.

a.not to playb.don’t play withc.not to play with

)24.—what you often do after school? —i often do my homework, but now i tv.

a.do;watchb. did;watchedc.do;am watching

)25.listen! can you hear her in her room?

a.singb.is singingc.singing

)26.—what subjects does jenny 1ike? —history and music.

a.otherb.othersc.the other

)27.li tao wanted to see giraffes,so his parents to take him to the zoo.


)28.i like to read this fashionit’s interesting.


)29.—how's it going,sally

a.pretty goodb.sounds greatc.you’re welcome

)30i love them very much.

a.do you enjoy your vacation

b.how’s the weather in your city

c.what do you think of the sunglasses


last year tom left school. he came to taibei to 31 a job. he went from one company to another

but 32 wanted him. now he had little money. he had to go back to his small town.

so he came to the station. he felt 33 and tired. it was very late at night and 34 was full of people.

they were waiting 35 tickets of the last train. he bought the last ticket, and he was happy.

at that time, a woman with a crying a baby walked to him. she asked him to sell her the ticket. he g**e her the ticket.

he thought they needed it 36 he did. after 37 left, he sat on the bench and didn’t know 38 to go. just then, an old man came and said,“young man, i saw what happened just now.

i h**e a big company. i need a good young man like 39 . would you like to work 40 me?

”)31.a.findb.seec.look for

)32.a.everyone b.no onec.nothing


)34.a.the cityb.the company c.the station

)35.a.to buyb.to sellc.to give

)36.a.less than b.more thanc.worse than

)37.a.the trainb.the busc.the old man


)39.a.the woman b.youc.her

)40.a.withb.forc.to .


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