
发布 2023-03-08 20:01:28 阅读 6351


to do sth.=love doing sth.

a walk=h**e a walk

enjoy doing sth.

h**e fun=h**e a good time=enjoy oneself.

4.*the beginning of…..

例:this is beginning of new life.

at the beginning of+时间。

5.*there be+人(物)+地点。

there is a desk and two chairs in the room.

what is(用单数提问) on the desk?

hospital (住院)、in a(the) hospital(在医院)例:my uncle is ill, so he is in hospital.

totalk to=talk with(与……交谈)例:i often talk my student.

withtalk about sb.(sth.) 谈论某人某事。

8.*give sb. sth=give sth to sb.

want sb. to do sth.例:i want you to listen to me carefully.

work9.*be late for 为……迟到。


buy(make,cook,get,draw,sing) sb. sth=buy……sth for sb.

10.*be busy doing=be busy with.(忙于做什么)

sb.for 例:thanks for your help=thanks for helping me .



be surprised to do sth.



to one’surprise(放在句头) 令人惊讶的

in surprise(放在句尾) 惊奇的

例:to my surprise,he can speak chinese well .

he ask me in surprise,”…

13.*everything is going well.一切胜利。

14.* other, others,the other,the others


the other (one ……the other)另一个。例i h**e two hands,one is deam,the other is dirty .


the others(余下的)(全部)

15.*on vacation

this heat(在这么热的)

the weather is ……

感叹句:what bad weather!=how bad the weather is!

17*.everyone is


doing sth. 停止做某事例:stop talking(不要说)

stopto do sth. 停下来去做某事例:stop to talk(要说)

1to do sth.

lovedoing sth.

tell a joke with sb.=play a joke on sb.(与……玩笑)

more(不再)例:i not child any more.

22*.would like=want


to do sth.


would you like a glass of orange juice ? 回答:

no, thanks.

would you like some cakes?(在征求别人意见时some不用变)



doing sth.

24.*write a report on ……写一篇关于…..的报告)

of=think about.

what do you think of the film?=how do you like the film?=how is the film?

make sb. sth.=make sth. for sb.

make(令) sb.(sth.)+adj.例:we must make our classroom clean.

make sb. do sth.例:don’t make the boy cry.

27.*h**e fun doing sth.(做某事有趣)

例:we had fun reading in the classroon.

28.*find sb. doing sth.(发现某人做某事)

例:i find a boy crying in the corner.


to do sth

help sb. =help sth.

do sth

例:i often help my mother clean the house.

完成)finish doing sth.

can’t stand ….对……忍无可忍)

1 can’t stand to do sth.(忍不住做某事)

例:when we h**e a math lesson, some students always can’t stand laugh.


doing sth. never mind.


只能用于否定句或疑问句中) not at all.

33.*why don’t you do sth.….why not do sth.….

34.*be good at=do well in


moneyspend on sth.例: i spend 5 yuan on food.


spend in doing sth.例:i spend 5 yuan buying book every week.

time 36*why not do sth.=why don’t do sth.

例:why not swim this afternoon?=why don’t you do sth?.=shall we swim this afternoon?

37* h**e to 不得不(客观)(外来因素)

h**e to do sth.

must 必须(具有命令性)

38*be late for=arrive late for

39*through,,across ,past


例:go through the door.(穿过门)

go across the wall(爬上墙而过)

go past school(从学校旁边过)

40*take a taxi, by taxi.

my father takes a taxi to work every day.=my father goes to work by taxi.

41. to do sth.



七年级下学期期末考试。英语试题。命题人 彭亚敏审题人 段芳芳时量 90分钟满分 100分。i.听力技能 四部分,共20小题,计20分 第一节 听句子,根据所听内容选择合适的应答语。句子读一遍。每小题1分,共5分 1 a jimb americac yes it is 2 a a teacherb s...


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putergames玩电脑游戏。inthemorning afternoon evening在早上 在下午 在晚上onsundaymorning在某个具体一天的上午 下午用介词onplaycomputergames玩电脑游戏。spendmoney timeonsth in doingsth花费 做 ...