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英语试卷。总分 : 150 分时间 : 120 分钟。

亲爱的同学: 这是一份简单的试卷,也是一份有趣的试卷,更是一份只要你细心、冷静就能有很大收获的试卷。所以,请你认真对待每一道题,既不粗心大意,也不轻言放弃。 加油!

第 i 卷客观试题 (90 分)

i. 听力部分 (30分)

第一节:听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。念一遍。(每小题 1分,共 6分)

)1. a. franceb. the united statesc. china

)2. a. hotelb. hospitalc. restaurant

)3. a. koalasb. catsc. pandas

)4. a. teachersb. doctorsc. reporters

)5. a. the exciting zoo b. the interesting gardenc. the interesting zoo

)6. a. in the phoneb. on the phonec. on the bus


念一遍。(每小题 1分,共 6分) (sounds greatb. no, i am notc.

you are welcome.

)8. a. she is at schoolb. she is a nursec. she is dancing

) yes, there isb. yes, he doesn’tc. no, it isn’t.

) it’s near a hotelb. because it is very func. it’s cloudy.

) yes, it isb. no, he can’tc. sorry, he is outside.

)12. a. no, you can’t. b. go straight and turn left. c. yes, please.

第三节:对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择最佳答案。念两遍。 (每小题 1分, 共 6分)

)13. a. basketballb. tennisc. football.

)14. a. a policewomanb. a bank waiter.

) in a restaurantb. on a busc. in the hospital.

)16. a. next to the school.

b. next to the pay phone. c.

in front of the pay phone.

)17. a. hot and sunnyb. windy and rainyc. cold and rainy.

)18. a. at eight o’clock. b. at nine o’clockc. at 8:30

第四节:短文理解。根据你所听到的短文,选择最佳答案。念两遍。(每小题 2 分,共 12 分) 听第一篇短文,回答 19—21小题。

)19. lisa lives in

a. parisb. new yorkc. beijing

)20. lisa’s father is

a. a bank clerkb. a doctorc. a teacher

)21. lisa thinks ping-pong is

a. interestingb. difficultc. boring

听第二篇短文,回答 22—24小题。

)22. it is on amorning.

a. sundayb. fridayc. monday

)23. men and women are going to

a. workb. schoolc. shops

)24. it is amorning on that day.

a. quietb. busyc. funny

ii. 单项选择。(每小题 1分,共 20分)

)25. there’s___uniform shop next to the post office.

a. ab. ancd. the

)26. you can go through a bank on __left.

a. youb. yoursc. yourd. /

)27. the kfc restaurant is __the bank and the supermarket.

a. onb. between c. atd. to

)28. i like __best. they are friendly animals from australia.

a. panda b. pandas c. koalad. koalas

) is a very __street. there are lots of cars and people on it.

a. cleanb. quietc. beautiful d. busy

)30. there __some meat and tomatoes on the table. you can h**e them for lunch.

a. hasb. arec. h**ed. is

)31. steven is a poor man with only a little money, but __friends. so he is always happy.

a. muchb. manyc. nod.any

)32. my grandfather is __a news***** and my grandmother is cooking now.

a. watching b. looking at c. seeing d. reading

)33. look! the studentson the playground.

a. playb. playing c. playsd. are playing

)34. thanks forour cqtv’s family show.

a. joinb. joining c. ind. be in

)35. mother usually __at the mall on weekends. she likes nice clothes there.

a. eats dinner b. cleans the floor c. goes shopping d. watches tv

)36. miss yang is a young teacher. shemath every day.

a. teachs us b. teaches us c. teachs our d. teaches our

)37. the tv reporters from the evening news***** enjoyxihu in hangzhou.

a. visiting b. to visit c. visitd. visits

)38. julia is interested in everything. she wants me __her the news.

a. to tell b. tellc. telling d. tells

)39. there are many __books in our library, but they are __old.

a. kind of, kinds ofb. kinds of, kinds of

c. kinds of, kind ofd. kind of, kind of

)40. being a teacher is an interesting jobit’s also difficult.

a. butb. orc. andd. so

)41. —does kate __a white dress today?

yes, she is __white.

a. in, wears b. in, inc. wear, wears d. wear, in

)42. —don’t you like taking a walk on a sunny but cool morning?

that always makes me happy.

a. yes, i am b. no, i am not c. yes, i dod. no, i don’t

)43. —henry, i know you are in a new school. how’s it going ?

i am good with my teachers and classmates.


遵义市红花岗区海龙中学七年级2010 2011学年度第一学期半期考试英语。试卷说明 本试卷分为 卷 客观题 和 卷 主观题 两部分。卷总分65分,卷总分35分。整份试卷合计100分。答题时间90分钟。请注意你的答题时间。卷客观题 共 65分 第一部分听力理解 20分 听单词或句子,从所给的三个选项中...


一 单项选择题 每小题2分,共45分 1 在生活中,人们往往对团体有一种依赖和需求的感觉,这种感觉是 a 归宿感 b 归属感 c 依赖感 d 从众心理。2 春节过后,你披着七彩春光,满怀新的憧憬进入了学校。面对校园 班级 同学,你认为,正确的做法应是 珍惜新的起点 充分体验对学校班级的归属感 珍惜新...


初中语文试卷。灿若寒星整理制作。合阳中学 2015年秋期半期检测。初一 语文试题。时间 120分钟分值 150分命题教师 曾海霞。一 语言积累及运用。30分 1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项的 3分 a 嫩芽 n n 捶打 chu 祷告 d o 脸颊 ji b 匿笑 n 榆钱 y 搓捻 li n 绽...