
发布 2023-03-08 19:09:28 阅读 2795

language points知识要点:


介词后面可以接名词或代词,作为介词的宾语。如果后面是人称代词的话,要用它的宾格形式,即:him, them, her,us, it, me, you等等。

1). in表示“在……中”, 在……内”。例如:

in our class 在我们班上。

in my bag 在我的书包里。

in the desk 在桌子里。

in the classroom 在教室里。

2). on 表示“在……上”。例如:

on the wall 在墙上。

on the desk 在桌子上。

on the blackboard 在黑板上。

3). under表示“在……下”。例如:

under the tree 在树下。

under the chair 在椅子下。

under the bed 在床下。

4). behind表示“在……后面”。例如:

behind the door 在门后。

behind the tree 在树后。


bring 意思是带来,拿来,取来,指从别处把某人或某物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点来。例如:

why don't you bring him along? 你为什么不带他一块儿来呢?

my books are upstairs; will you bring them down? 我的书在楼上,您可以把它们拿下来吗?

socialism brings us freedom and happiness.社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福.

take 意思是带去,拿走,和bring相反,指从说话者所在地把某人或某物带去或拿走。例如:

we'll take the students to the middle school.我们将带学生到中学去。

some one has taken my dictionary.有人把我的字典拿走了。

please take these exercise-books to the teacher's office.请把这些练习本送到老师办公室去。

3、where is….?

where are ….


where is the man? 那个男人在**?

where are the pens? 钢笔在**?

where are the boys? 男孩们在**?

unit 4单元练习。


1.his first name is john,and hisname is brown.

2your pictures here. take the books there.

3.linda is myand clark is my uncle.

4.ask andthese questions.

5.the parents h**e a son and a













( )16.is your photo in the drawer

a.yes, i am b.no,it is

c.yes,it is d.no,i’m not

( )17my baseball? it’s under the chair.

a.where b.where’s c.where’re d.where are

( )18under the tree? no,they aren’t.

a.where are b.what is c.are they d.is it

( )19.where are your brothers

a.he is at home b.he is in his room

c.yes,they are d.i don’t know

( )20.therea computer on the desk.

a.are b.h**e c.hasd.is

( )21there water in the cup?

a.is b.are c.hasd.h**e

( )22.what’s under the desk

a.it’s a football b.i can see a set of keys

c.they are red box d.there’s a cat

( )23.hea small rooma nice desk in it.

a.is, there is b.has, has

c.h**e, there is d.has, there is

)24.lucy and lilya new bike.

a.h**e b.has c.there is d.there are

( )25.therean orange and two apples on the table.

a.are b.has c.is d.h**e


26.we are in beijing. (就划线部分提问)

we?27.can you bring the ruler to me? (作出否定回答)

no28.i draw pictures on the wall. (变为否定句)

ipictures on the wall.

29.we h**e two new students in our class. (变为同义句)

two new students in our class.

30.there’s an english book in the desk. (变为复数句)

englishin the desks.


31.where’s wuhan and changsha

32.where’re the flowers? it’s on the table

33.there is a picture book on dresser

34.there’s a window(窗户)on the wall

35.we can see some birds on the tree

36.i need my hat. please take it here

37.it’s on the floor,between the bookcase or the desk

38.we aren’t know his name

39.some things are in the bed

40.here is the cds


a: hey, susan!

b: 41 .

a: is my computer game on the table?

b: no, it isn’t. it’s on the bookcase.

a: oh, ok. 42 . are they on the bookcase, too?

b: 43 . they’re on the chair.

a: oh. so, where is my pencil case?

b: 44 .

a: and where’s my backpack?

b: it’s under the table. and your baseball is under the chair.

a: oh, ok. and where are mom’s keys?

b: 45 .


athis is a 46 of my bedroom. it’s a nice 47 . the door is 48 .

and a ball is 49 it. 50 desk is near the window. you can see a 51 behind the desk.

you 52 books and flowers 53 it. i 54 my’ english books in my schoolbag. the bag is now behind 55 chair.


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