
发布 2023-03-08 18:30:28 阅读 6488

unit 4 topic 3 we want to go to the zoo. (学案) 王逍。

section a



重点句型及语法(掌握时间表达法): you h**e any time tomorrow? =you___tomorrow?

2. let’s __meet)at 9 o’clock in my 后加上某个确切的时刻,意为‘在。点钟“ 。

时间点后的o’clock可以省略。如:at six(o’clock)在六点钟。

3. -what time is it, please? /what’s the time, please?

--it’s one o’clock. /it’s five __one. /it’s a quarter __time is it?

=what's the time?都是用来询问时间的。回答常用it's...

it’s half __one./it’s twenty __two. (用past , to填空)

4. 常用的时间表达法有两种:直接表述:


15 one fifteen借助past和to的表述当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用“分+past+时”。如:10:

10 ten past ten当分钟数超过三十时用“分+to+时”.不过此时的分是60减去显示的分所得的分;时是所显示的时加1所得的时如:1:

55 five to two 注意:十五分钟可写为a quarter,它相当于fifteen

单项选择:( 1.--what animal only lives in china

a. monkeys. b. lions. c. pandas. d. elephants.

how( )3.“12: 45”reads(读作a. a quarter past twelve

b. a quarter to twelve c. twelve forty-five d. three quarters past twelve

)4. mike often gets up __6:40 __the morning.

a. in; in b. on; on c.

at; at d. at; in

)5. maria often __breakfast at seven o’clock. a. drink b. has c. h**e d. eat

)6. -excuse me, what time is it, pleasea. sorry, i don’t know.

b. ten past forty--five. c.

forty nine. d. eight clock.

) 7. -mom, my skirt is too short. -ok. let’s __shopping tomorrow.

a. go b. to go c. going d. goes

)8. -let’s go to the zoo. -good idea.

we can __the panda show there. a. look b.

look at c. see d. take


a: excuse me, 1

b: sorry, i don’t know. you can ask dicka. what time do you go home?

a: 2 excuse me, can you tell me the time, dick? b. i’m afraid i h**e no time.

c: 3 it’s time to go home. let’s goc. it’s 6:40.

a: ok. how about going fishing tomorrowd. at about 8:00 o’clock.

c: 4 how about this sundaye. what time is it, please?

a: all right. what time would you like to meetf. thank you all the same.

c: 5 okg. do you h**e a watch?

a: ok! see you later.

c: see you.

section b

重点词汇:1.聪明的___2.动物___time to4.回家___6.下次___7.得到___8.起床___


重点句型 are your f**orite animals, jane? time___go ) home.

3. see you next time.

英汉互译: quarter past four3.11:45___

to past quarter to o’clock9.9:2010.2:52

单项选择:( 1. it’s seven o’clock, it’s time to __

a. goes home b. go home c. to go home d. going home

)2. —what time do you get up, jim? —i get up __

a. about six o’clock b. at about six o’clock c. about at six o’clock d. six o’clock

)3. —what are your f**orite animals? —a.

cute. b. tigers.

c. zoos. d.


)4. it’s time __dinner. a. has b. for c. h**e d. to

)5. _are my f**orite

a monkey; animal b. monkeys; animal c. monkeys; animals d. a monkey; animals

) 6. -let’s go to the zoo on sunday

a. good idea b. excuse me c. you’re welcome d. it doesn’t matter

句型转换: me,what time is it,please? excuse me,__the___please?

often has breakfast at seven o’clock.(改为一般疑问句3。are you free tomorrow

补全对话:a: 1

b: yes, i am. 2

a: i want to the zoo. 3

b: great! i’d love to.

a: i like pandas. they are very cute. 4

b: monkeys are my f**orite animals. they are very clever.

a: oh, 5

b: mm, it’s nine o’clock. it’s time to go home.

a: yes. we h**e to go now. see you tomorrow.

b: see you.

section c

重点词汇: 2.在某人回家的路上___4.肉___

重点句型: _meet ) monkey __his way home.


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1 开学后当堂考试,测试学生的英语基础,同时选英语课代表一名和英语小组长若干名。英语小组长负责收作业,并记下不交作业学生的名单,将作业与名单一并交给课代表送与老师。如老师要求,小组长可批改组员作业,将结果交予课代表送与老师。课代表除散发和交送作业或资料外,还需根据要求课前将老师嘱咐的习题抄在黑板上,...