
发布 2023-03-05 12:26:28 阅读 2145

unit 7 grade 7

topic 1

section a

1. know about= know of了解、知道2. be born出生、出世。

通常用过去时:was born, were born

be born in +年/月,on+具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上be born of/to…由…所生be born into…出生于…家庭3. restn.休息、剩余/其余的部分h**e a rest休息一会儿。

the rest剩余/其余的(部分)4. alone

adj.单独的、孤独的,通常作表语 i’m not alone.

adv.独自一个人地,通常作状语 he will come b

coming就要来到了—现在进行时表将来类似动词:go, le**e, he is le**ing for tiger is dying.2.


plan to do sth.计划做某事plan sth.计划/安排某事。

3. celebratev.庆祝、举行(仪式、典礼)

celebratedadj.有名的、著名的、大名鼎鼎的3. h**e a birthday party举行生日聚会section c1.问形状。

what’s the shape of sth.?=what shape is sth.?回答:it’s +adj.(round圆的…)2.问颜色。

what’s the color of sth.?=what color is sth.?回答:it’s +adj.

颜色+and+颜色:2种颜色相间 black and white黑白相间。

拓展:black and blue青一块紫一块(用来描述人受伤的程度)3.问用途。

what do sb. use sth. for?

use sth. for sth./ doing sth.

= use sth. to do sth.用某物来做某事4.

i get it.= i see= i understand.明白、了解、懂了。

5. here is…这儿有…section d

1. want to do sth.= would like to do sth.

想做某事2. buy sb. sth.

= buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物3.


可数:give sb. a surprise给某人一个惊喜不可数:in surprise惊奇地、吃惊地。

to one’s surprise使某人感到吃惊的是…拓展:受惊的(指人感到吃惊,被动的)

surprising使人吃惊的(指事物本身有令人吃惊的性质,主动的)be surprised at/ by sb./ sth.对…感到吃惊4.

do some/ the+v.-ing=v.

do some cleaning= cleando some reading= readdo some washing= washdo some shopping


do you often help your motherdo some washingon sundays?aunt li was not well, so she didn’tdo some cleaningyesterday.

topic 2

section a

sure that(宾语从句)确信/肯定…be sure to do sth.一定要、务必做某事。

be sure/ make sure that(宾语从句)—用于祈使句时,that从句常用一般现在时表将来,以强调某一要求。

i’m sure (that) it will be fine tomorrow.

be sure to give my best wishes to your family.

make sure (that) you lock the door before you le**e home.

2. h**e a good time= enjoy oneself/ oneselves玩得高兴、过得愉快h**e a wonderful time= h**e a nice time3. no way!

不no problem!没问题4. a little一点儿,表程度“很小”a lot许多,非常,表程度“很大”

a little(有一点), little(几乎没有)+不可数名词a few(有一点), few(几乎没有)+可数名词5. welladv.修饰动词adj.

表示身体健康 she can sing very well.

how are you today?i’m very well.

拓展:goodadj.用来修饰名词或用在系动词之后作表语,表示事物质量或人品section b

1. you are so smart. =you are so clever.

=you are so great.2. take sb.

to somewhere带某人去某地take…to…把…带到…


3. climb up/ down爬上/下。

4. take photos= take picturestake a photo照相take photo of…拍…的**section c

1. be good at=do well in sth./ doing sth.擅长做某事be good for sth.对…有益section d

1. what’s your age?= how old are you?问年龄。

at the age of…= when sb. was/ were…当….岁时over the age of…….

岁以上 any more= no morenot any longer= no longer

he isn’t a little boy any more.= he is no more a little boy.

he doesn’t live here any longer.= he no longer lives here.3.

with the help of sb.= with one’s help4. mean意指,+从句,不用于进行时。

what do you mean?= what’s your meaning?what do you mean by…?你…是什么意思?

topic 3

section a

one’s turn to do sth.该某人做某事了it’s one’s turn轮到某人。

take turns to do sth./ in doing sth.轮班或依次做某事section b


fall behind落后、落在…后面fall off…从…掉下来fall asleep睡着fall ill得了重病。

2. hurt oneself伤着自己kill oneself自杀enjoy oneself玩得开心。

teach oneself自学by oneself独自地、独立地look after oneself照顾自己help oneself to…请随便吃点…introduce oneself自我介绍3. at once= right now

4. sth. happened to sb.

某事发生在某人身上what happened to sb.?某人发生什么事?happen to do sth.

碰巧做某事5. lie to sb.= tell sb.

a lie对某人撒谎tell lies/ a lie撒谎。

6. tell sb. the truth跟某人说实话、对某人坦白7.

make sb./ sth.+ adj.

使某人/某物…8. be angrywith sb.对某人生气be angryat sth.

对某事生气section c

1. make sth. by hand手工做某物。

2. sit around…坐在…周围。

3. make a silent wish默默许个心愿。

out the candles= blow the candles out5. in one breath一口气。


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