
发布 2023-02-28 22:47:28 阅读 7147

七年级下英语unit 7. it’s raining. 第一课时。

一、【学习目标】:1. 复习现在进行时,掌握用进行时描述正在发生的事情。

2. 学习常用天气词汇;学会如何描述天气。

how’s the weather in …?

it’s ….




2. 预习书p37-38,翻译下列短语和重点句型。






how’ s it going

can i take a message for him


presentation: 1. learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures.

2. finish 1a.

game: 1. (show some pictures on the screen.) ask “how's the weather?"

2. ss guess and answer the question.

pair work: 1. ss work in pairs. ask and answer about the weather in the cities.

2. look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner.

role-play: 1. ask ss to read the conversation and answer the questions:

what's steve doing? ②what's rick's brother doing?

2. let ss role-play the conversation in pairs.


i. 单选。

)1. how’s the weather today?

a. it’s sunday. b. it’s windy. c. it’s july 6th. d. it’s happy.

) 2is the weather like __guangzhou? -it’s very hot.

a. what; about b. what; in c. how; in d. how; about

) 3. look at the __it’s __he**ily now.

a. rain; rain b. raining; raining c. raining; rainy d. rain; raining

) 4. -how’s itnot bad

a. going b. goc. goesd. went

) 5she’s cooking.

a. what’s your mother doing b. how is your mother

c. what does your sister do d. what is your mother

) 6. listen! who __in the next room?

a. singing b, sings c. is singingd. sing

) 7. -hello! this is ann speakingthis is mary.

a. who are youb. are you mary

c. who is want to speak to mary

) 8. there __snow in canada in winter every year.

a. has many b. has much c. are many d. is much

) 9. what a nice __it is! i want to go out for a walk.

a. weather b. photoc. dayd. today

) 10. it’s snowing. the weather is very __

a. cold b. sunnyc. hotd. warm

ii. 句型专练,按要求改写句子。

1. michael is playing chess.(对划线部分提问)

is michael

2. how is the weather in shenzhen?(改为同义句)

the weather __in shenzhen?

3. it is snowy there.(对划线部分提问)

the __there?

iii. 根据汉语意思完成英语对话或句子,每空一词。

1.—那儿天气怎么样? —正在下雪。

the weather there?

—it’s2.— 情况进展如何? —还不错。

it3.—喂,我是林涛,你是汤姆吗? —是的,我是。

—hellolin taotom?

—yes, this is tom speaking

4.—你可以以给爱丽丝捎个口信吗? —没问题。

—can youalice?

—noiv. 阅读。

the weather in different seasons(季节) is different.

in spring, it is often windy in march and it is always warm in april and may. it rains sometimes and trees and grass turn (变成) green in may.

in summer, it’s hot in the day and cool at night. it usually rains a lot in july and august. the days are longer and the nights are shorter.

the weather in autumn is very nice. it’s always warm and sunny in september and october. people like going out in this season.

the winter is always from december to february. it’s very cold in winter and it snows sometimes.

根据上面内容判断正误,正确的写t, 错误的写f。

) 1. the spring is from march to may.

) 2. it is usually humid in july.

) 3. it’s very cold from december to february.


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unit 7 it s raining 1.掌握并使用本单元词汇描述天气情况,运用how引导的特殊疑问句询问天气。2.掌握现在进行时中谈论与天气有关的人们的即时活动和现在进行时表示一段时间内正在进行的动作或状态。3.掌握现在进行时中的助动词be和 ing的正确使用,读懂和写出明信片,完成笔头输出。以...