
发布 2023-03-01 22:23:28 阅读 3157

七年级英语下册unit 1测试题。

笔试部分 (85’)

i.字母 (20’)


b. 请按首字母顺序排列下列单词(只填序号)。


1.—good morning, carl!


2.—good afternoon, bob!

___afternoon, eric!

3.—h___are you?

i’m ok, thank you.

4.—how are you?

i’m fine, t___

5.—h___mr wang!

hello, mr yang!


a. you’re b. morning c. hi d. right e. too

f. am g. how h. i’m i. name j. and

1.— hello, what’s yourmillie.

2.—you’re andyyes, i __

3.—good morning, miss zhou. —good __mrs. wang.

4.—_are you?

—i’m fine. thank you. _you?

—i’m fine, _

5.—hi,__millie, right? —no, i’m nick.

6.—hi, andymillie.

iv.单项选择 (15’)

( )早上见到老师时,要说___

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. goodbye

( )上学时见到nick,对他说___

a. hi, nick b. hi, kate c. goodbye nick.

( )到校与老朋友lily问候, 说___

a. hi, i’m lucy. b. goodbye, lily c. how are you, lily?

( )下午见到老师,说___

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. goodbye

( )5.下午老师询问tom的身体状况, tom 回答___

a. good afternoon b. i’m fine c. i’m fine, too.

( )6.放学了,同学们要跟老师说___

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. goodbye

( )7.—you’re peter, right?

a. yes, i am b. no, i am c. yes, i’m

( )8.—_is she?

she’s fine.

a. what b. how c. what’s

( )9.—you’re very clever(聪明)

a. good b. thank you c. you’re right

i’m fine. thank you.

a. how are you b. how old are you c. what’s your name

( )11.—你若想知道别人的名字,你可以说: _

a. hello, what’s you name? b. hello, your name is what?

c. hello, what’s your name?

( )12.—若别人对你说 “how are you?” 你应该回答:__

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i’m fine, too. c. how are you?

) 13.跟别人告别时,不能说 __

a. goodbye! b. bye! c. good morning!

) 14.你若想知道别人的名字,你可以说: _

a. hello, what’s your name? b. hello, your name is what?

c. hello, what’s you name?

) 15.若别人对你说 “how are you?” 你应该回答___

a. i’m fine, thank you. b. i’m fine, too. c. how are you?

v. 句型转换 (15’)


lindaname is hu wangnian.(就画线部分提问)

name?fine. (就画线部分提问)

you?4. zhang, good , mr, morning,(.连词成句,注意大小写。)

vi. 补全对话 (20’)

一)a: youandy

bi __kate. _your __please?

a: myliu minare you?


二)a: good morning.

ba: excuse mejim green?

bi __jack green.

a: oh, _

b: that’s __

unit 2 my family

听力部分 (15’)


) 1. a. she is fine b. she is my cousin c. yes, she is

) 2. a. yes, she is b. she is a doctor c. she is 38

) 3. a. a man b. a teacher c. a car

) 4. a. yes, it is b. no, she is c. no, she isn’t

) 5. a. yes, i’m not b. yes, it is c. yes, you are right.


) is a photo of kate’s family.

) grandmother isn’t in the photo

)8. nick has (有) a brother.

)9. kate is nick’s sister.

)10. the young woman is nick’s mother.


i h**e a big family. there are six people in my family. they are my grandfather,

my grandmother, my father, my 11 , my sister and i. my father is 38. he’s a

12 . i also h**e an 13 . he is a 14 . my mother is a 15 . i h**e a happy

family. i love it very much.

笔试部分 (85’)


1. _e __2.__m3.__k __4.__g __5. _l___


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