
发布 2023-03-01 20:39:28 阅读 4535




1. 的确,确实2. 碗。

3. 次,回4. 网球。

5. 排球6. 享受---的乐趣。

7. 运动员8. 成员。

9. 俱乐部10. 空闲的。

11. 希望12. 梦想。

13. 画画14. 周末。

15. 购物16. 另外,其他。

17. 乐趣18. 队,组。

19. 比赛20. 偶像,英雄复。















1. 你喜爱的运动是什么。

2. 李华是我最喜爱的体育明星。

3. 他是黄河俱乐部的一名新成员。

4. 我希望他的梦想成真。

5. 读书很有趣。


一、 单词辨音,选出发音不同的一项。(5分)

) 1. a. cat b. man c, name d. map

) 2. a. egg b. he c. yes d. desk

) 3. a. but b. run c. music d. mum

) 4. a. big b. like c. sit d. with

) 5. a. not b. stop c. box d. no


) 1. mike enjoys playing __his friends __the basketball court .

a. for , in b. with , in c. for , atd. with , on

) 2. i like __would you like __with me this afternoon?

a. swimming; swimmingb. to swim; to swim

c. swimming; to swimd. swim; swim

) 3. sandy likes playing __badminton after __dinner.

a. the; the b. thecd. /the

) 4. li hua plays very __he is a __player.

a. good; well b. well; good c. well; well d. good; good

) 5. jim often walks __school and walks __home every day.

a. to; to b. toc. /tod. /

) 6. my father __friends here.

a. h**e lots of b. has lots of c. has lot of d. h**e a lot of

) 7the boys enjoy __nba?

yes, they __

a. do; watch; dob. do; watching; do

c. does; watching; doesd. does; watch; does

) 8lucy come from american?

no. she __from america. she is english.

a. does; doesn’t b, does; isn’t c. is; doesn’t d. is; isn’t

) 9. simon with his friends __football on tuesday afternoon.

a. playb. playsc. play the d. plays the

) 10. _you often late for class?

a. dob. doesc. ared. is

) 11. they often talk __their f**ourite football player.

a. about b, onc. ind. to

) 12. we play computer games __the weekend.

a. ofb. atc. ind. to

) 13. —a pop film star is coming to our school.

who and when?

a. okb. rightc. really? d. no.

) 14. tony is in the classroom. what about __him there?

a. meets b. meeting c. to meet d. meet

) 15. sometimes i listen to music. it makes me __

a. feels great b. to feel great c. feel great d. feeling great


1. i like singing. i’m in the musicklb/.

2. whatels/ do you like to do?

3. do you often play football after schoolv 'k:s/.

4. it’s乐趣、有趣的事) to play basketball with the friends.

5. raymond’s father plays网球) every day.

6. kitty and i often play排球) after school.

7. i like watching basketball比赛) on tv in the evening.

8. lin shuhao is many young people’s英雄、偶像)

9. he makes a画画) of flowers and plants.

10. i often h**e a碗) of rice for lunch.


1. the girlteach) us english on sundays.

2. millienot do) her home work on sundays.

3. sometimes sandyfly) a kite in the field when spring comes.


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