
发布 2023-03-01 08:44:28 阅读 3726


unit 1~3

一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 can弹吉他). can拉小提琴).

can敲鼓). girl can弹钢琴). can打中国功夫).

boy can下国际象棋). can also打篮球). sister can d __liping d __well.

___参加)the s___club in the evening.


is chinese, but she __说)english very often __讲)me stories.

跟、、、讲)tom in boy can speak english but can’t w___like watching tv at h___in the want to交朋友)with wants to be a __**家)in the future(将来). woman t___us english.


s___your watch to often h___alan with his english.

should (应该善待)old often play volleyball在周末). want some students f___the school show.

boy起床)at 6:00, then he穿衣刷牙洗澡吃午餐)after that, he上学)at half pastseven.

26.他上学从不迟到。一份有趣的工作).hew___at a radio station.

a吃早餐有趣的时间).锻炼一小时)every is my最好的朋友). get up e___every day.

are __九十) teachers in our school. there are __四十) women teachers and __五十) men seven.

e___play games or watch tv.



basketball with you.

students c___their blackboard after every old woman can’t跑得快).

mother usually散步) after milk t___good.

people lost their l___in 2008 in father likes to play sports e___h___years makes a century(世纪). are sixty m___in an mother often buys n___clothes for me.45.

-does he d___to work?

no, he w___to work.46. my d___is to be a teacher.

47. there is no boat, so we can’t cross the r___48. there is a road b___the two villages.

49. you can take the no.5 bus at the next bus s___50.

you need to build a b___over the river.51. the v___never le**e their village.

52. there are many b___on the river.


54. jack runs very __快).


55. the girl isn’t __害怕)to cross the river.56.

your dream can __实现).57. i l___in a small __村庄).

is an8岁)girl.59. the boy is only five y___old.

60. there is a dog b___the car and the bike.61. my grandpa watches tv __每天).

62. there are __九十)students in my class. they are __四十)boys, _五十)girls.

63. i live in a small v___there are only __一百)__v___in it.

64. sixty m___make an hour.65.

her grandparents l___in a big city.66. my mother always d___her car to work.

67. do you认为)his dream can实现)?离开)hishomeatabout7:40inthemorning.

69. it’s about 5 kfrom my home to school.70.翻译下列的短语:

乘地铁上学take the __to school = go to school乘飞机上学take the __to school = go to school乘火车上学take the __to school = go to school


乘公交车上学take the __to school = go to school骑自行车上学ride a __to school = go to school走路上学walk to school = go to school开小车上班to school过河过桥。

71. i think students should follow the school r

上课不准迟到)wemust be

73. it’s not right to f___with others.

74. don’tin the classroom.75.

i’m难过) to hear that you are ill.76. the room is too small.

let’s go o

77. we h**e to穿校服) at school.78. it’s ito learn english well.

79请安静别吵闹)80. we can’t外出) on school nights.

整理床铺练吉他清洗餐具).hismotheriss___with him.

82. let’s clean the room. it’s too d___


mother is cooking in the厨房).84. i know him, but i can’t r___his name.

85. don’t go out b___you finish your homework.86.

the teacher wants us to f___the school dinner, i can’t r也).

88. i can’t留长发).89. it’s important to lenglish well.

91. he doesn’t want to do any homework and he is l___92. the ehas a long nose and two big ears.

93. this yellow skirt looks very bi want to buy one formy mother.

94. the round (圆的) table has three l95. let’s see the p___first.

狮子) are f___south africa.97. why do you like k___98. the ghas a long neck.

99. they are two动物园) in our city.100. they are k___of interesting.

101. don’t f___to bring your homework tomorrow.102. this kind of animals is f___to us.


103. i’m thirsty(脏的). i want to drink some w___

104老虎)areindweshould___拯救) them.

105. there are o___2000 students in our school.106.

the cat usually睡觉) in the day.107. she often休息) an hour after lunch.

108. lucy is quiet. she is very s

109. therebe) lots of meat in the ice box.

110. the elephant isthailand’s泰国的标志之一)

111. there are many树) in our school.112. the panda is very可爱的机灵的)


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