
发布 2023-03-09 07:33:28 阅读 8730



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listening test part(20分)

i. 听句子,选择相应的图画。 (5分)

1. abc.

2. a. bc.

3. ab.[,t': span', cr': r_27c.

4. a. bc .

5. a. b. c.



( )6. what time does mary get dressed?

a at seven b at sixc at seven thirty


( )7.why does his mother like elephants?

a because they are smart .b elephants are lovely. c because they are beautiful.


( )8.how does scott go to work?

a by subwayb by carc on foot.


( )9.can lily speak chinese well?

a no, she can’tb yes, she can. c yes, she does.


( )10.what is bob’s mother doing?

a she is cooking. b she is washing the clothes. c she is washing the dishes.



)11.how many kinds of animals can kate see?

a. three b.four. c.two.

)12.where are these animals ?

a.on tv b. in the picture. c.in the zoo.


)13.alice usuallyto school?

a.rides a bike b.walks c.takes the bus.

)14.how long does it take alice to get to school?

a.ten minutes . b.nine minutes. c.twenty minutes.

)15.who does alice often go to school with?

a.bob. b.mary. c.molly.

iv. 听对话,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分)

written test part(100分)

v. 知识运用(两部分, 共20小题,计20分)


)21. that’s really __interesting job.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

)22. —how do you go to work?

i usually go to work __

a. by car b. in a car c. on a car d. take the car

)23. we h**e english lessons __monday __friday.

a. on, to b. at, on c. from, on d. from, to

)24. i like __news*****s.

a. watching b. reading c. looking at d. seeing

)25. larry is veryhe usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every daya. quiet b.

clever c. shy d. lazy

)26. -what are you doing, tom?

a. i do my homework b. i’m listening to a cd

c. he is watching tv. d. he watches tv

)27. we usually get upsix o`clock every morning.

a. at b. on c. in d. from

)28. here is a photomy family.

a. on b. of c. in d. for

)29. she’s good at __

a. read b. drawing c. to draw d. draws

)30. thanks forcctv`s around the world show.

a. joining b. join c. joins d. to join

)31. —i’m going to beijing with my aunt this week for my holiday.

a. h**e a good timeb. best wishes to them

c. thank you very much d. it’s ok

)32we want a teachersoccer in our school.

a. teaches b. teach c. to teach d. teaching

)33. —would you like to join us for dinner?

a. no, i can’tb. i’d like

c. yes, i’d love tod. why not

)34. why __he like koalas ?

a.is b.are c.do d.does

)35. the food tastes __

a. wellb. badlyc. goodd. much well


my friend tony is __36__american boy. he is ten years old. he lives __37__ his family in china now.

there are __38 __people in his family; his mother mrs green, his father mr. green and his little sister amy. he has a white cat.

_39__ name is betty. look ,amy is playing __40__ betty. his father, mr.

green, is watching tv. his mother is __41__ the clothes. what about tony?

he is doing __42__ chinese homework.. he can't __43__ chinese well, but he likes chinese very much. tony's mother works in a tv station.

his father works in a school as an __44__ teacher. tony and his sister __45__ to the same school.


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