
发布 2023-03-09 07:32:28 阅读 7052





时间:120分钟 (unit 1-12满分:120分命题人:d**id 2011.6.28考。

一、 听力部分(共25分)


a b c. d. e.

b). 听五段小对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

) 6. where are they?

a. in the museumb. in the classroomc. in the hospital.

)7. what does the man think of his vacation?

a. awfulb. boringc. wonderful.

) 8. can jim answer the phone?

a. yes, he canb. no, he can’tc. we don’t know.

) 9. what would the woman like?

a. she’d like teab. she’d like coffee . c. she doesn’t mind tea or coffee.

) 10. does the man like the weather?

a. yes, he doesb. no, he doesn’tc. i don’t know.

c) 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案,读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)

) 11. what would sue like for her supper at first?

a .pizzab. saladc. hot dogs.

) 12. how do they get the pizza?

a. they make it by themselves. b. they go to pizza hut and buy one.

c. they order it by telephone.

)13. what size of pizza would they like?

a. a large oneb. a medium onec. a small one.

) would they like on the pizza ?

a. onion and tomatob. onion and cheesec. mushroom and cheese.

)15. where do sue and mike live?

a. 15 center streetb. 80 center streetc. 18 center street.

d) 听短文,根据所听内容填写**,在相应的**里面画“√”读两遍。(每小题1分,计5分)


)21. –where is tony? -he __with his classmates.

a. is swimmingb. played football c. has an english party d. likes to play

)22. –how do you like the weather in beijing

a. it’s windyb. it’s very cold c. i don’t like it very much d. yes, i like it

)23. when you stay at home, youwear a uniform.

a. can’tb. mustn’t c. don’t h**e tod. don’t

)24.--what do you think of the program chinese cooking?.—ohit’s really boring.

a. i don’t mind it can’t stand it like it very much d. i love it

) you see the signyou can’t take photos.

a. bc. d.

)26bow of noodles __you like? –a medium one.

a.what, does b.what size, would c.what kind, would d.what size, is

)27. celiatall and sheshort curly hair.

a. is, hasb. is, isc. has, isd. has, has

)28mikefor the math test last night?

a. does, studyb. did studyc. is, studyingd. did, studied

) 29 youmake phone calls when you drive.

a. mustn’tb. canc. don’t h**e to d. must

)30.--what are you doing now?--i’m talking to mary online. she __from canada a few days ago.

a. is coming back b.come back c.came backd.went back


read a storybook. (改为一般疑问句)

marya storybook?

32. the people there were happy last year.(改为否定句)

the people therelast year.

33. what does he think of his classmates? (同义句转换)

___does hehis classmates?

34. mary doesn’t mind her math teacher. (对画线部分提问)

does maryabout her math teacher?

didn’t go to the park because he had to do his homework. (对画线部分提问)


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