七年级 上 期末复习单词拼写unit

发布 2023-02-25 03:39:28 阅读 1870

1.—what does he看起来) like? —he’s tall.

2. could you告诉)me your name?

3. i h**e a pen (笔友)in cuba and he is very __可爱的).

4. mr. li is our english teacher. he讲)english very well.

5. mr. black comes from canada. now he居住) in beijing.

6. what can i do for you? –i want to buy two对)of shoes.

7. i help her在……方面) her chinese.

8. could you please告诉) me your name?[,do you h**e any堂兄妹)?

10. do you (想)to h**e some chicken? [

19. look at these (相片). they are nice.

20. can you __演奏,玩)the piano?i __喜爱) it very much.

21. they often help those new工人) in the办公室). she需要) to go to the zoo with her parents on sunday.

23. han mei often吃) lunch at home.

24. what would you like, milk or果汁)?

25. would you like something to喝的)?

26. tomatoes(西红柿) and cabbages are my f**orite蔬菜).

27. —what do you h**e for___早餐)? i __通常)h**e some rice and fish.

28. he wants to参观) the great wall.

29. i often h**e some汉堡包)and蔬菜)for lunch.

30. he’d like鸡肉) for lunch. she’d like two斤) of apples.

31. .i think the girl穿) yellow is maria.

32许多的)boys like to eat到外面).

33. i love china. chinese people are very友善的) [me.

34. –may i take your __点菜)?-wait a moment(片刻), please.

35. .would you like某物) to drink?

36. —what about some chicken?—that’s a good主意).

37. mike looks像) his father. his father工作)in an office.

38. —who are the man and the woman in the photo?—they are my父母).

星期日),we通常地) go to the lake for a picnic with my friends.

are朋友),we should互相帮助)。

1. it’s thirty超过)seven . it’s时候)to do your home work.

2. it’s 7:00. it is time

] what happens (发生) to baby monkey?

27. how do you觉得)the apples?

28. —what do you认为) the book? —i like it very much.

29. may i (请问)you a question? what’s your最喜爱的) animal ?

30. there are many (大象) and熊猫)over there.

七年级上期末复习之单词听写 1

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