
发布 2023-03-01 00:52:28 阅读 6859



1欢迎) to china. —thanks.

2. —how are you好的), thanks.

3. thank you very非常).

4. do you来自)from hainan ?

5. what are those用) english?

6. what’s your**)number ?

7打扰)me**)are you from?

8. is19) years old.

9. they are five盒子那些) are apples.

10. i’m in no.1初级的) high school.

11. jim is in class13), grade seven.


13. how do you拼写) it?

1415) is my lucky (幸运的) number.

15. what’s that in英语)?

16. bob isn’t from英国), he is from加拿大).

17. jane and jim are my good朋友).

18. we are in the同样的)school,but in不同的) grades.

19. —what’s this? —it’s an橘子).

20. _让) me help you. 21. what is __他) name?

22. jane and jim are my good __朋友). they are from the uk.

23 —are __这些)cars? —yes, they are.

24. —what are those?—they are five __公共汽车).

25. —what’s that in __汉语)? brown is his家族)name .

wants to __试) again. e are in同一学校).

are their书). this is a___地图)of china.

is 15 years老的). i am in班级)five, grade seven.

ming often帮助)me with my japanese. you讲) english well?

are 20女孩) in my class.

1. they are four公共汽车). and they are绿色的).

2. michael and i是) good friends. he looks酷).

3. —what颜色) is your cap?—blue.

4猜猜), who is that girl in red?

我), are those你们的) apples?

6她的)name is julia.

7. your mother说)she wants to visit the great wall in the letter.

8. those oranges are她们的).

] is it简的)? no, it’s我的).

10谁的)jacket is it? —it’s他们的).

11. the two books aren’t mary’s她的) are on the desk.

12. miss lee认为)this cap is李涛的).

13. could you please help me给) the book to tom.

14. mr. gao is他的) teacher. he often writes信) to him.

15. —who's that man in粉色的)?—sorry, i don't know他).

16. .do you找到) my shoes?

17. please帮助) him clean the floor.

18. clark's letter isn't用 ) chinese.

19. mike often说) chinese after class.

20. his ball is蓝色的) and mine is紫色的).

21. this is li ming. he长着) big hands and a (大的)mouth.

22. linda and tom有) some new books.

23. maria喜欢) this pencil very much涂色) it yellow, please.

24. do you认识)the boy?

yes,he studies (学习)in beijing ren’ai international school now.

25. i h**e two big脚) and two long胳膊).

26. —what are those in the box? —they are小刀).

27. —does she __有)a small mouth? —yes, she does.

28. look! her __眼睛)are big. but his头)is small.

29. my hair __是) black and long. what about you?

30. does he有)a big family? -yes, he does.

最喜爱的) actor is jack. fish is my最喜爱的食物).

come from不同的) places.

am抱歉)i can’t help you.

___想要)beijing with his parents and __买) some clothes.

is a**) of my uncle’s family.

年轻的)woman in a long连衣裙) is my mother.

] —who are they in the photo? —they are the woman’s婴儿).

boys there are our同班同学).

39. she has a __圆的) face and her hair is棕色的).

40.—do you know the警察) telephone number? —no, i don’t.

has a big and快乐的)family.[{t': span', c': what about ',r': r_3其他的) families?


unit1 比较级 最高级 adv.宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词 过去式 中国人,汉语 中国的,中国人的,汉语的。感谢。adj.感谢的,感激的。宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词 过去式 同音词 同音词 过去式 过去分词 同义词 过去式 复数 这些。过去式 过去式 ...


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