
发布 2023-02-23 23:43:28 阅读 6724

目录。介词in,on,under ,above, over,behind的用法。

经典例句:under the table

in the backpack

on the floor/dresser


本单元出现的介词短语:in the backpack,on the sofe, under the table.



(一) in prep. 在…..里面强调在某个空间内部。

如:the cat is in the box.

in 除了表示方位,还有其他用法。

1) 表达一段时间 in the morning

2) 表示穿着 the boy in black

3) 表示用某种语言 what’s this in english ?

4) 其他:in grade 7

(二) on prep. 在….上面表示方位的介词,与物体的表面有接触。

如:the cat is on the box

on the floor, on the wall

常见词组: on show on time on foot on the radio

(三)under 在….下面

如:the cat is under the box.

there is a boat under the bridge.

四)over ,“在….之上,”表示在垂直正上方。它的反义词是under

如:there is a bridge over the river.

五) above“在….之上,高于….”表示相对高度,不一定是在正上方,它的反义词是below

如:the plane flew above the clouds. 飞机在云层上面飞行。

六)behind ,在…..后面。

如:there is a cat behind the door,


___the deskthe deskthe box

___the boxthe chair

答案:.on, under, next to, in, behind

中考连接:1.(08年山东)--where is london ?i h**e pen pal here.

it’s __england.

a on b in c at d of

2.(08年浙江)she will le**e her homework __the teacher’s desk after school today.

a from b to c for d on

3.(08年北京)peter usually gets up early __the morning.

a on b in cat d of

1. h**e v.

经典例句:i h**e a soccer ball.

重点用法:1) 及物动词,意为“有,拥有”,其第三人称单数时has。

如:i h**e three apples.

he has a watch.

2) 表示“吃,喝”

h**e a breakfast/ lunch/ dinner.


h**e sports 进行体育运动。

3) 构成一些固定搭配。

h**e a look at 看一看。

h**e a good time 玩得愉快。

考点结合:fathermany computer games.

't like

2. _you __a ruler?

a. do, has b. do, h**e c. does, h**e d. does, has

3. _that man __a great sports collection

a. do, h**eb. does ,h**e. c. does, has

4.__you an english class every day?

a do b h**e c don’t d are

中考连接:3. play v.

经典例句:play ping-pong/soccer


play the piano/violin

play sports

play cards


2)play “做游戏,扮演”

play a game

play hamlet

3)play 用作名词,意为“戏剧”

watch tv play 看电视剧。

4)后面加玩具,人,或者动物的名词或代词,其后加with构成短语play with,意为“玩耍,和….一起玩”

如: children mustn’t play with fair.

考点结合: ) playtennis.

ab. ac. thed. an

)2.let’s playbasketball. i don’t like playin**iolin(小提琴)at home.

a.the, the b.thec.×,the d.×,

)3. do you want to play __tennis? yes, i___do

a. a,wantb. the,doc./,

中考连接:1.(07年兰州)peter likes playing __football very much.

but he doesn’t like __football i bought for him on his birthday.

a the, the b / c the / d / the

boring, relaxing

经典例句: basktball is interesting.

it’s a boring game.

it’s a relaxing job.

考点结合:mother likes thinks(认为) it is

father likes baseball. he thinks it is __

a. interesting b. boring c. difficult

3.—do you think maths is __

a moving b boring c exciting d interesting

中考连接。1.(07年浙江) i don’t like this kind of tv shows because they’re __

a boring b wonderful c interesting d beautiful

2.(08年徐州)i’ve got nothing to

a bored b interested c exited d frightened

和but conj.

and和but 都是转折连词,and意为“和,并且”用于连接两个并列名词,代词,动词或者形容词等形同词性的词作句子相同的成分,也可连接两个句子表示并列或者顺承关系。but意为“但是”多用于两个句子,表示转折或者相对立的关系。

如:i like volleyball, but i only watch it on tv.

i like volleyball,and i play it every day.


likes playing volleyball ,and lucy doesn’t ( b)

ab c2english is difficult ,and we can learn it well. (b )

a b c


目录。介词in,on,under above,over,behind的用法。经典例句 under the table in the backpack on the floor dresser 重点用法 1 介词一般用在名词或代词前,表示该词与句子其他成分的关系,常见的介词有in,at,on,unde...


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