
发布 2023-02-23 04:10:28 阅读 1001




) 1. what’s tony’s __food ?

a. like b. many c. f**ourite d. good

) 2. what colour __tina’s shoes ? red.

a. is , it’s b. is , they are c. are , there are d. are , they are

) 3. tony is __friend. _in class one.

he’s b. my, he’s c. my , his d. me , he

) 4. your english is very good. _

a. that’s ok b. thank youc. yes, that’s right d. of course

) 5. _your name ? i’m li ling.

a. what’s b. how is c. is d. what

) 6. is this your mother? yes

a. she is b. it is c. this is d. i am

) 7do you spell “green’ g-r-e-e-n

a. what b. how c. why d. what colour

) 8. there __an apple and two eggs on the table.

a is b am c be d are

) 9---this is __li, he is my english teacher.

a. mr. b. mrs. c. ms d. miss

) 10. -good afternoon, classteacher.

a. goodbye b. good morning c. good afternoon d. hello

) 11. this is __ear and this is __arm.

a. a, a b. a, an c. an, an d. an, a

) 12. -what’s this? a pena pencil.

a. yes b. no c. thanks d. it’s

) 13. -what are __

desksa. this b. there c. these d. that

) 14 this is __s’ and that is __k’.

a a a b. a an c. an a d. an an

) 15 the green __are over there .

a bike b a bike c bikes d the bike


a: _1___miss jones.

b: good morning.__2__ your name, please?

a: _3___name is joe.

b: _4__ are you, joe?

a: i’m fine.__5__ is my friend. _6___name is jack.

b: hello, jack.

c: hello, miss jones. a: how do you do?

b: _7___a: nice to meet you.

b: _8___

a: please __9__ down

b: _10___you.

) 1. a. hello b. good morning c. good afternoon d. hi

) 2. a. what b. what’s c. this d. what are

) 3. a. my b. your c. this d. his

) 4. a. how b. what c. which d. what colour

) 5. a. this b. she c. that d. he

) 6. a. he’s b. his c. her d. she’s

) 7 .a. how are you b. how do you do c. fine , thanks d. that’s ok

) 8. a. ok b. nice to meet you, too. c. fine. d. and you ?

) 9. a. sit b. stand c. sit down d. sits

) 10. a. thank b. thanks c. thank you d. and


a look at this . it’s a blue bag. it is my bag .

what’s in it ? look, this is my english book. it’s blue , too.

my chinese book is also in my bag. it is yellow. this is my pencil case.

it’s big and nice. i like english and chinese . my bag is my good friend.

) 1, my bag is __a. yellow b. blue c. nice d. big

) 2, what’s in my bag

a. my english book. b. my chinese book c. my pencil case d. a. b and c

) 3, my chinese book is also in my bag. “also’ means(意思是)__

a. 也 b. 颜色 c. 不在 d. 放进。

) 4, my __is my good friend.

a. chinese book b. english book c. pencil case d. bag

) 5, my pencil case is __

a. yellow b. blue c. big and nice d. my friend

b ann is an english girl. she’s in class three. grade one.

she’s twelve . she’s in no. 2 middle school in beijing .

daming is a chinese boy, he’s twelve , too. he’s in no.2 middle school, too.

daming is in row(排) four, ann is in row two . they’re good friends.根据短文判断正(t)误(f)

) is from english .

) 2. ann is in nanjing.

) and daming are in the same (同样) row.

) 4. ann and daming are in the same school.

) 5. ann and daming are good friends.

c today we h**e two new students in our school. they are american, they are twins. they look the same .

their names are lucy and lily . they are in class 3, grade 1. their mother and father are teachers.

they teach english in the same school . but they’re not in lucy and lily’s school.

) 1. lucy and lily are __a english b. in class c. twins d. friends

) 2. lucy and lily __new students . a. are b. h**e c. do d. ask

) 3. they come from __a. china b. japan c. english d. america

) 4. lucy and lily look __a. like sister b.

after their brother c. at the picture d. the same

) 5. their father and mother teach __

a. chinese in the same school. b. chinese in the different schools.

c. english in lucy and lily’s school . d. english is another school.

d my name’s yangyang. i’m not from england. and i’m not english.

i’m from china. i’m chinese. i’m a student.

i’m 11 years old. i’m in class five. jim is my friend.

he’s from america. but he is in china. he’s 12 years old.

we are in the same class. we are good friends, too.

)1. yangyang is from___

a. china b. england c. america d. american

)2. jim isa. a student b.

11 years old c. yangyang’s teacher d. 10 years old

)3. where’s jim now?

a. england b. china c. america d. english

)4. how old is yangyang?

a. 5 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13

)5. are they in the same class?

a. yes, they are b. no, they aren’t c. sorry, i don’t know. d. yes, i am

e cindy: good afternoon, eric! eric:

afternoon, cindy! how are you? cindy:

fine, thanks. how are you? eric:

i’m fine, too. oh, what’s this in(在……里面) your left hand(左手)? cindy:

it’s a pen. eric: what’s this in your right hand(右手)?

cindy: it’s a hat. eric:

h-a-t, hat, right (对吗)? cindy: yes.

) 1. it’snow.

a. evening (傍晚) b. morning c. afternoon d night

)2. eric is

a. not free b. ok c. not ok d not fine

) 3is in eric’s(埃里克的) left hand.

a. a pen b. a bike c. a fan d a cat

) 4is in eric’s right hand.

a. a dog b. a pen c. a hat d a boy

)5can spell(拼写) “hat’.

a. eric b. cindy c. eric and (和) cindy d no one


1、我的朋友 2、他的名字3、十四个男孩

4、my new desk5、in english6、在星期一。


1. this is an apple tree . 改为复数句)

2. these are eight eggs . 改为单数句).

egg.3. my name is lucy green .(一般疑问句)

name lucy green?

4. there are ten desks .(对划线部分提问)

desks5. the trees are green (对划线部分提问)

are the trees ?



these cups


my___fruit is __






以“my good friend“为题,写一篇小短文要求:无语法错误、字数30—50词。

my good friend

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导。七年级英语作文辅导方法。一 充分准备,打好基础。为了提高初一英语作文写作水平,平时应加强阅读,多背诵一些句形 段落甚至短文。俗话说 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 只有多读,多记,多背诵,才能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法,如书信...


七年级上册。unit one good morning,everyone 1 the first lesson,we h e to give yourself a name beginning from today,you h e your own english name 2 when we se...

