英语之随堂笔记 人教版七年级上

发布 2023-02-23 02:51:28 阅读 4505


unit 1~8

1. on、above都表示在某物体的位置上,但是,on是在物体的接触面上,而above则是与物体有一段距离。

2. please take things to your sister.(祈使句:动词用原形)

3. football: soccer ball 英式足球。

rugby ball 美式足球(橄榄球)

4. let’s = let usdislike = don’t like

5. it is some salad. (salad是不可数名词,因此谓语动词用it。)





close your book, please!(肯定句)

don’t open your book. (否定句)

8. i like apples, she likes apples, too.

= i like apples, she also likes apples.

9. dinner和supper都有晚饭的意思,但两者还是存在区别的,dinner 是指大型饭局,而supper是指家常便饭。

10. some+可数名词复数形式 / 不可数名词。

11. there be:某处存在某物 h**e:某人拥有某物。

12. sounds interesting: 系动词+形容词=表系表结构。

13. lots of = a lot of :用在肯定句,修饰可数名词复数形式或不可数名词。

many、much :用在疑问句,many修饰可数名词复数形式,much修饰不可数名词。

14.反义词:like→dislike fair→unfair

15. at all :根本 for :对于,就……而言 be on sale :** in white t-shirt :in,穿。

clothes :衣服(复数sell :行为动词。

16. let sb. do sth.

17. like to do :一次性动作like doing :经常性动作。

18. how much is this bag ?

=what’s the price of this bag ?


:this is a beautiful short yellow shirt.



:these pants are on sale.


:i like apples.


22. also置于行为动词之前,be动词之后。

23.一双(a pair of)后的be动词用复数,两双及以上的,be动词和pair都要用复数。

:a pair of white socks are only 2 dollars.

two pairs of white socks are only 4 dollars.

24. for :表示用途或对象等。

:用途:bags for sports

对象:these apples are for you.

25. at a very good price :**非常便宜great sale :降价,**。

in all colors :各种颜色in+颜色:什么颜色的。

26.你自己亲自去看看:come and see for yourself.

他们卖各种颜色的裙子:they sell skirts in all colors.



(2)“第几十”时将基数词二十以上的整数中的y变i加eth : twenty→twentieth

(3)“第几十几”时,属于几十的整数部分用基数词,而个位数部分用序数词。 :ninty-three→ninty-third

(4)特殊:first , second , third , fifth , eighth , ninth , twelfth



(2)形式: ’s of

表示有生命的事物用 ’s格,表示没有生命的事物用of格,另外,表示时间、距离、国家也用of格。


:it’s the room. →it’s lily’s room.

32.名词所有格中 ’s格的用法:


(2)若原词已有复数形式,则在其后直接加’ :the teachers’ office

(3)当是复数名词,但没有带’s ,则需加’s

:children’s daywomen’s daypeople’s park



33.特殊:双重所有格, :he is a friend of lisa’s.(他是丽莎的其中一个朋友。)

34. want to do sth :想要做某事。

unit 9

1. go to a movie = go to the movies = go to the cinema = see a movie = see the film

2. kind:

(1)做名词,种类:what kind(s) of movies do you like ?

(2)做形容词,和蔼、善良:it’s very kind of you to say that.(你那样说是非常善良的。)

(3)做副词,有点:the toy is kind of cute.

3. look是不及物动词,其后不能直接接宾语。 :look at the blackboard.

同种用法:listen : listen to the tape

4. and与but:


和,并列连词 : ben likes comedies and documentaries.


但是,转折 : i like apples, but i don’t like bananas.



: wife → wivesleaf → le**es

(2)不规则:child → childrenwoman → women

(3)单数与复数同一形式:chinese , sheep

6. what kind of movies do you like ?



: tom thinks comedy is funnyi think so.

tom doesn’t think comedy is funnyi don’t think so.

8. find :过去式,found过去分词,faund

9. exciting , funny与interesting的区别:

(1) exciting : 使人兴奋的、激动的 : an exciting match

(2) funny : 滑稽的,可笑的,有趣的 : a funny joke

(3) interesting : 引起理性的、智慧的兴趣 : an interesting story-book


11. i’m often late for school.

12 .learn与study的区别:

(1) learn : 初步地学习、了解。

(2)study : 带有学术性的、研究的。

13. with和and的区别:

(1) with : i often play basketball with my father主语是i

(2) and : my father and i often play basketball主语是my father and i

14.(1) look at : 看,强调过程see : 看到,强调结果。

(2)listen to : 听,强调过程hear : 听到,强调结果。

15. fruit的名词形式:



16. want : 是实义动词,也是行为动词。

unit 10


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