
发布 2022-08-08 18:54:28 阅读 2981

七年级上go for it英语笔记。



问姓名:what’s your name?

回答:1. my name is(name’s) …2. i am ……i’m…..

what’s your name? my name is……

或者是 i am ……

* first name:名 family name: 姓。

描述所在的学校或班级(i am in…):

i am in class i, grade vii, shiyan middle school.

i am in row 3.

i am in group 3.

描述年龄:问 how old are you? 你多大?

答 i am 12 (years old).

描述**号码:问 what’s your telephone number?

答 it is ….

my/your/his/her telephone is ……


老朋友问好:nice to meet you.

回答:nice to meet you, too.



新朋友见面: -how do you do?

how do you do?

iii. 几个代词的用法。

主格: 这个单词做主语,换句话说,他发出了某一个动作(一般都放在句子开头)

i like music. 我喜欢**。 i 是主语,因为它发出了like这个动作。

宾格: 这个单词做宾语,换句话说,他承受了某一个动作,是一个动作的承受者。


i like music.

he likes me.

my name is chengwei.

we are boys.

feng he likes us.

our english teacher is feng he.

you are students.

mr feng likes you.

this is your book.

he is a teacher.

we like him.

his name is jim.

she is a teacher.

we like her.

her name is mary.

it is a book.

we like it.

this is a pencil case. its color is yellow.

they are students.

mr. feng likes them.

their english teacher is feng he.


一般疑问句: 以is, am, are 开头。 翻译成“是不是。。。

is this your book? 这是不是你的书?

回答:yes. 或者 no

a: is this your book?

b: yes, it is. 或者 no, it isn’t.

― are you a boy? 你是一个男孩儿吗?

― yes, i am (a boy).

no, i am not.

---is he a teacher?

---yes, he is.

-- is she your mother?

-- yes, she is.

no, she isn’t.

特殊疑问句:以what, how等等开头的疑问句。

what is your name?

what is your telephone number?

how are you?

how old are you?

how do you spell it?


call sb at ……给某人打**,拨打什么号码。

please call cheng wei at 7323722.

in 在……里边。

i am in class 2.

i am in my teacher’s room.

the note is in the computer.

at 在那一点上,在何处。

i study at shiyan middle school.

found 招领启事。

lost 寻物启事。

excuse me 做事之前说。

sorry 做错事之后说。


1. 单词发音 th的发音 o 没有翘舌音。

2. 句型。

单数 this is ……this is a book. this is my father. this is my pencil sharpener.

复数 these are…… these are my books. 这些是我的书。

these are apples.

these are notebooks.

单数 that 那个 that is my cousin. that is my ruler. that is my grandfather.

复数 those那些 those are my sisters. those are cars. those are boys.


---is this a book? -yes, it is. 或者 no, it isn’t.

---is this your fatherno, he isn’t. yes, he is.

---is this your pencil sharpeneryes, it is. no, it isn’t.

---are these your booksyes, they are. no, they aren’t.

---are these applesyes, they are. no, they aren’t.

---are these notebooksyes, they are. no, they aren’t.

---is that your cousin? -yes, he is. no, he isn’t.

---is that your ruleryes, it is. no, it isn’t.

---is that your grandfatheryes, he is. no, he isn’t.

---are those your sisters? -yes, they are. no, they aren’t.

---are those cars? -yes, they are. no, they aren’t.

---are those boys? yes, they are. no, they aren’t.




在回答一般疑问句的时候,they指的是它们,或者她们, 或者他们,并且注意it, he, she 一般来说接 is, 而 i 后面接 am, you 后面接are, they 后面接are.

3. 词组的学习:

thanks for 因为某事而感谢别人。

thank you for ……

thanks for your pen.= thank you for your pen.

thanks for your photo.

here is ……相当于this is ……

here is my id card/ pencil.


where is my pen?

it is on the table.

is it on the table.

yes, it is.

is it in the pencil case?

sorry. i don’t know.

where are my booksthey are on the desk.

on 在。上)

where are my cousinsthey are in the room. (in在。里面)

where are my pencils? they are in the pencil case.

they are under the table.



are my books on the deskyes. they’re.

are my cousins in the room? no. they are not.

are my pencils in the pencil case? yes. they’re.

are my pencils under the table? no, they aren’t.

can you ……

can you bring the book to my home?



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