
发布 2023-02-23 02:35:28 阅读 7695




1. where is the邮局)?

it’s on中心大街).

2. is there a餐馆)?

yes有)is a图书馆)near here.

is the银行)?

it’s across from the超市).

there a公用**)in front of the桥)?


)1.—are there any oranges on the table?


are are there do

) a pen and some books in my bag.

)3can you tell me the way to the post office?

me ) go straight and turn___the school is __

the left ,on the left

the left ,left ,left

) school is __a bank.

to and

)6.--is the post office?

--it’s next to the hospital.

) pay phone is __the post office and the library.

)8.__are you mr green?

me )9.—thank you very much,eric!

sorry welcome you are don’t know

)10.—are there __books on the desk?

--yes ,there are___some ,any



a pay phone


the librarythe


a supermarketthe park.


where’sthe restaurant the supermarket



1. 在附近。

2. 直走。

3. 在左边。

4. 向右拐。

5. 打搅了\对不起。

6. 在…….隔壁。

7. 在……对面。

8. 在…..前面。

9. 在…..与….之间。



there大超市)near your house?

is有趣的花园)in this city.

is the post office直走往右拐).it’s next to a small restaurant.

4欢迎到)my house.

is a good place玩得开心).

6打搅了,请问).is there a pay phone near here?

tell me去…..的路)your house.

用be 动词填空:

1. there __a post office near here.

2. there __some water in the glass.

3. there___some pictures on the wall.

4. there___a pen and three pencils in the pencil case.

5. there___some books and a dictionary on the desk.


1. there is a library across from the school(改为否定句)

a library across from the school.

2. there are some birds in the tree.(改为一般疑问句)

birds in the tree?

3. is there a baseball under the chair?(作肯定回答)

yes4. are there any trees around your house?no


教学案例1 七年级英语上册unit8 when is your birthday?贺集中学方文涛。一 设计理念 本单元以 when is your birthday?为中心话题,围绕怎样谈论日期 询问生日和询问年龄而展开,主要运用特殊疑问词 短语 when how old 询问 什么时候 多大。这是...


unit8 when is your birthday?review 复习。预习案 1.复习并掌握本单元所有词汇。2.复习本单元重点短语。多大年纪 几岁 岁 年龄。篮球赛排球赛学校庆祝日 演讲比赛艺术节生日聚会校游 3.复习并掌握本单元所有重点句型。你的生日是哪一天。我的生日是十一月十一日。你多大了...


鱼河中学七年级英语学科导学案。班级姓名学号执教者。unit 9 my f orite subject is 课题。课型。教读课。时间。science 尹雪峰主备尹雪峰审核。1.学习表示学科的单词以及描述性的词汇。2.学习运用一下句型进行交际,谈论自己喜爱的学科并说明理由 教学目标what s you...