
发布 2023-02-22 23:26:28 阅读 1059

unit 2 is this your pencil?

i. 单词及其用法:

第一类: 音标词性复数汉语

1. pencil

2. pen

3. book

4. eraser

5. case

6. ruler

7. backpack

8. dictionary

9. baseball

10. watch

11. computer

12. game

13. key

14. ring

15. school

16. notebook

第二类: 音标词性复数汉语。

17. spell

18. call

第三类: 音标词性汉语相关短语。

19. in

20. on

21. under

22. of

第四类: 音标词性汉语。

23. ok

24. lost

第五类: 音标词性汉语。

26. please

27. yes

28. no

29. how

20. not


方法:把be 动词提到句首,句末由句号变为问号。

1. this is my sister. -is this your sister? -yes, she is .

--is this your sister? -no, she isn’t.

2. that is his brother? -is that his brother? -yes, he is.

--is that his brother ? no, he isn’t.

3. it is an apple. -is it an apple? -yes, it is.

is it an apple? -no, it isn’t.

4. these are his keys. -are these his keys? -yes, they are.

are these his keys? -no, they aren’t.

5. those are her pens. -are those her pens? -yes, they are.

are those her pens? -no, they aren’t.

b:特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句,回答要具体的回答。

如:what’s this in english? 回答只能用:it’s a/an…….they are……

不能用:this is a /an……,或that is a /an……来表达。

单数:what ‘s this? it’s a dictionary.

what’s that? it’s an apple.

what’s this in english? it’s a map.

what’s that in english? it’s an eraser.

复数:what are thesethey are balls.

what are thosethey are oranges.

what 引导另外的特殊疑问句:

what’s your name? my name is helen.

what time is itit’s five o’clock.

what color is itit’s red.

what color is your skirt? it’s blue.

how 引导的特殊疑问句:对程度提问 ……怎么样?

how are you ? i’m fine. =i’m ok. =i’m well.

how is hehe is fine.

how is sheshe is fine.

how is your mother? she is fine.

how is jackhe is ill.

how is your sisternot bad.

how is everything going? good!

how old:

how old are youi am thirteen.

how old is your father? he is forty.

how old is hehe is twelve.

how old are the twins? they are eleven.


a set of keyslost and foundin english



key is in the l___and found case. 2. how do you s___it?

3. e___me , is this your pencil case? 4. please c___me at 189***


this is my baseball. this is her computer. he is my brother.


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