
发布 2023-02-22 21:18:28 阅读 2223

unit 1 my name's gina!

1. —what's your name?

my name's gina.

2. —what's your first name?

my first name is tom.

3. —what's your family name?

my family name is green.

4. —nice to meet you!

nice to meet you, too!

5. —what's your phone number?

it's 4879-5843.

unit 2 is this your pencil?

1. -is this your pencil?

-- yes, it is. /no, it isn't.

2. -what's this in english?

-- it's a pen.

3. -how do you spell it?


unit 3 this is my sister.

1. this is my brother.

2. -is she your sister?

---yes, she is. /no, she isn't.

unit 4 where's my backpack?

1. -where's my backpack?

-- it's under the table.

-- where're my books?

-- they are on the sofa.


2. -are they on the sofa?

-- yes, they are. /no, they aren't.


unit 5 do you h**e a soccer ball?

1. -do you h**e a basketball?

-- yes, i do. /no, i don't.

-- does he h**e a tennis racket?

-- yes, he does. /no, he doesn't.

2. -let's watch tv.

-- no, that sounds boring.

-- let's play ping-pong.

-- that sounds great.

unit 6 do you like bananas?

1. -do you like hamburgers?

-- yes, i do. /no, i don't.

-- does he like salad?

-- yes, he does. /no, he doesn't.

2. they like oranges. they don't like

baker likes chicken. he

doesn't like carrots.

3. -what do the students like to eat for breakfast?

-- they usually eat eggs, bread and milk for it.

-- what does kate like for lunch?

-- she likes to h**e hot dogs, french fries and tomatoes for lunch.

unit 7 how much are these pants?

1. -how much is the blue t-shirt?

-- it's ten dollars.

-- how much are these socks?

-- they are two dollars.

-- how much is the milk?

-- it's one dollar.

在询问某件物品的**时,使用以 how much 引导的特殊疑问句。当物品是可数名词单数及不可数名词时,be 动词用单数形式is。当物品是可数名词复数时,be 动词用复数形式are。

2. -ok. i'll take it. thank you.

-- you are welcome.

3. -can i help you?

-- yes, please.


unit 8 when is your birthday?

1. -when is your birthday?

-- my birthday is november 11th.

-- when is sarah's birthday?

-- sarah's birthday is january 21st.


november 11,2005;(2)日月年,如:11 november,2005。

2. -how old are you?

-- i am fifteen.

人的年龄时,使用how old 引导的特殊疑问句。

3. -when is the volleyball game?

-- it's april 19th.

unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?

1. i want to go to a movie.

-- do you want to go to a movie?

-- yes, i do. /no, i don't.

2. he wants to go to a movie.

-- does he want to go to a movie?

-- yes, he does. /no, he doesn't.

3. -what kind of movie do you like?

-- i like action movies and thrillers, but i don't like documentaries.

4. maria likes thrillers but she doesn't like comedies. jack likes cartoons best.

5. i think beijing opera is very interesting. /i don't think it's great.

unit 10 can you play the guitar?

1. -can you swim?

-- yes, i can. /no, i can't.

2. -can he paint?

-- yes, he can. /no, he can't.

3. -what can you / he / she?

-- i/he / she can play the piano.

4. -hi, can i help you?

-- yes, please.

5. i want to join the music club.

6. -what club do you want to join?

-- i want to join ..

7. maybe you can be in our school concert.

8. may i know your name / telephone number / address?

9. -how can we contact you?

-- my e-mail address is ..

10. here is a / an...here are ..

unit 11 what time do you go to school?

1. 用when或what time 询问时间,如:

-- what time do you get up?

-- i get up at six o'clock.

-- when do you usually go to bed?

-- i usually go to bed at nine o'clock.

2. 表达正点时间用数字加o'clock,表达几点几分可以先说小时再说分钟,如:

i take a shower at seven o'clock.

i watch tv at eight twenty.

---what time is it? /what is the time?

---it's eight fifteen.

unit 12 my f**orite subject is science.

1. -what's your f**orite subject?

-- my f**orite subject is english.

2. -why do you like p. e.?

-- because it's fun.

3. -do you like math?

-- yes, i do.

4. -who is your science teacher?

-- mr wang.

1、可数名词(countable nouns)和不可数名词(uncountable nouns)







the teaching plan of unit6 section a 2a 4 teaching objectives talk about likes and dislikes revise and grasp countable nouns and uncountable nouns tea...


一 导入。师生初次见面,通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。1.my chinese name is and i h e a english name you call me queen.2.greet the whole class and help them...


第一单元。一 单词。课,功课喂我是。我的名字是什么。你的怎么样是你。令人愉快的向,往遇见健康的。和也,太谢谢让。我们 宾格唱歌歌曲告诉 我 宾格他她女孩。男孩教师学生这个。他的她的学校教室。实验室图书馆那去,离开。字母练习好的早晨。铅笔黑板钢笔铅笔盒。水彩笔尺橡皮擦,黑板擦椅子。桌子许多书有。零一二...