七年级英语Isthisyourpencil box

发布 2023-02-22 21:16:28 阅读 2087

lesson 21教案。


remember: excuse ,me ,oh ,but

use: is this your/my/his/her pencil-box?

yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.

here you are. where’s my…?

type: new teaching

teaching steps:

what’s your name, please?

what row are you in?

is everyone here?

who’s not here?

what’s this/that?

(talk freely between the teacher and the students.)

one: (出示cai课件1)

3 show aims: (出示cai课件2)

4. practise

step one: (教师准备好一个苹果,一支铅笔,一支钢笔)

ask and answer: what’s this/it’s an apple. (holding up an apple)

a: what’s this? (holding up a pencil)

b: it’s a pencil.

a: what’s this? (holding up a pen)

b: it’s a pen.

then talk about picture one: (listen to the tape)

a: excuse me. is this your pencil box?

b: yes, it is.

a: here you are.

b: thank you.

(教师强调单词excuse /ikskju:z /.不要读成 /ekskju:

z/特别要注意辅音连缀/ks/的发音。教师拿起学生们的尺子,问:excuse me, is this your ruler?

学生回答: yes, it is.教师再说here you are.

帮助学生回答:thank you.(然后再换不同的实物,让学生反复练习数次直到练习熟练)

step two: look, listen and say

a: excuse me. is this your eraser? (holding up an eraser ask one student)

b: no, it isn’t. i think it’s her eraser.(helping the student to answer)

a: han mei, is this your eraser?

c: yes, it is. thanks.

a: that’s ok.

listen to the tape.

(教师解释excuse me是一种有礼貌的说法,再让他们多次练习,并小组(四人)练习。)

step three: look, listen and say sb page 26, dialogue 3

a: where’s my cup? is that my cup?

b: no, i think it’s his cup.

a: jim, is this your cup? (holding up a cup)

c: oh, yes, it is.

a: here you are.

c: thanks.

a: but where’s my cup?

then listen to the tape,并强调“my”这个词,教读but/but/.并让学生分角色来练习表演。

step four: 表演。


开始:a: excuse me. is this your bag?

b: no, it isn’t. i think….


step five: (workbook)

sb page leson 21 . do ex1-3

ex one 学生朗读并抄写单词及句子。

ex two 学生口头回答并互相矫正。

ex three 两人一组,练习对话

5. summary:

6. test two (出示cai 3)

7. homework:

finish off the wb exx, write exx 1 and 2 in exercise book.


lesson 22教案。


remember: they, these, those, hill, tree, boat

use: what are these/those? they’re…

grammar: the plural form of nouns.

type: new teaching

teaching steps:

what’s your name, please?

what row are you in?

what’s your number?

excuse me. is this your pen? (pencil/book…)

(talk freely between the teacher and the students)

one: (出示课件 i )

3. show aims: (出示课件2)

4. practice:

step one: 出示卡片如下:(教师自绘一个苹果,二杯,三女孩, 四座山**)

ask and answer: what’s this? it’s an apple.

a: what’s this? (holding up a book)

a: what’s this? (holding up a book)

b: it’s a book.

a: what’s this? (holding up a pen)

b: it’s a pen.

talk about picture two:

what are these? they’re cups.

(教师强调单词 these /i:z/ 这些 cups/s/)


talk about picture 4:

what are these? they are hills.

call out five students to demonstrate:

a: what are these? (holding up two books)

b: they’re books.

a: what are these? (holding up five pens)

b: they’re pens. etc.

step two : read and say:

sb page 27,part 1.


what’s this? it’s a banana.

what are these? they are bananas.

what are these? they are buses.


part 2: ask and answer:

a: excuse me, is this your picture?

b: yes, it is.

a: it’s very good.

b: thank you.

(let the students repeat with birds/eggs/cakes/boats/trees)

step three: workbook

sb page 112,wb lesson ex 1-3

ex one: 让学生到黑板上写出所组成的单词。

ex two: 让学生口头回答:练习 these/those 及名词复数变化。

ex three: 让学生俩人一组练习对话。

5. summary:


what’s this? it’s a/an….

what are these/those? they’re…..


two: 出示cai课件3

read and recite wb ex 4.

lesson 23教案。

teaching aims:

grasp new words: their, all, all right, that’s all right.

use expressions: are these / those/ they english books?

yes,they are/no, they aren’t. they’re their books.

thank you very much.

teaching methods: 直观教学、实物问答、操练为主。

teaching aids:录音机、投影仪、实物(水果、书等)。

teaching procedures:

step l revision

revise what’s this?/what are these? they’re ….展示**或利用实物)

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