
发布 2020-09-17 19:04:28 阅读 6416


( )1. “where does your pen pal simon live?” he lives __ottawa, canada.”

a. in b. on c. to


( )2. “what’s __f**orite subject?” my f**orite subject is math.”

a. her b. his c. your

解析】因为答句是“my f**orite subject is math.” 所以问句一定是“what’s your f**orite subject故答案为c.

( )3. every morning, i __a shower before breakfast.

a. get b. take c. do

解析】take a shower 是固定短语,所以答案为b.

( )4. “when is your mother’s birthday?” it’s __

a. ten o’clock b. saturday c. december 19th.

解析】因为问句中询问生日的日期, 回答应该是生日在哪一天故答案为c

( )5. “what time does alice usually get up?"

“she __at six.”

a. gets up b. get up c. is getting up


( )6. “you want to go to a movie?” yes, i do.”

a. are b. do c. can

解析】因为答句是yes, i do. 问句也应该用do提问,因此答案为b

( )7. “this t-shirt is beautiful. _is it?” it’s fifty dollars.”

a. how old b. how much c. how many

解析】根据答句的意思,问句应该问的是“多少钱”,英语中询问某物品多少钱用how much. 故答案为b.

( )8. i think this kind of movie is interesting, _my friends don’t like it.

a. but b. and c. so


( )9. “why don’t you like history?” because i think it’s __

a. interesting b. exciting c. boring


( )10. look! the children are __the school bus.

a. talking to b. listening to c. waiting for

解析】本题根据句子末尾的bus, 应该判定学生们正在等公共汽车,故答案为c.

) h**e a sister and i love___

a. she b. her c. he


) to join the music club?my sister___

a. wants;does b. want;do c. wants;do d like;does


) in our class___

a. liking playing soccer b. likes playing chess watch tv d. like watching tv


) is___meat in the fridge,please go and buy some quickly.

little few

解析】meat是不可数名词,只能用little和a little来修饰。few和a few是修饰可数名词,句子意思“冰箱几乎没有肉”非否定意思,所以用little表示“很少,几乎没有”,故选a

阅读理解。根据上面短文内容,判断正误, 正确的写t,错误的写f (5分)

1. _everyone likes the idea of early morning classes.

2. _hilmi says there are no buses early in the morning.

3. _t _ hwa-jeong does a lot of things in the morning.

4. _t _ isabel goes jogging in the morning.

5. _f _ hilmi watches tv in the morning.


6. _c who checks email in the morning?

7. _who likes the idea of early morning?

8. _who needs a lot of coffee in the morning?

9. _c _ who likes to watch tv at night?

10. _b _ who gets up at 5:00 in the morning?

解析】 1. 根据文章中hilmi和hwa说:i can’t catch a bus at that time of the morning.

和a morning class would be no good for me. 故答案为f.

2. 根据文章中hilmi说 i can’t catch a bus at that time of the morning. 与问题中的句子意思不符,因此答案为f.

7. isabel 在文章中说: a 7:00 class would be perfect for me. 故答案为 b.

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