
发布 2021-02-26 10:54:28 阅读 9121

1. 假如你是wang ming,根据自己的实际情况完成**。

2. 根据**的信息用英语写一段话, 介绍你和你的朋友lily的情况。不少于50词。

参考范文:my name is wang ming. i am from beijing.

i’m twelve years old. i am in class three, grade seven. my telephone number is(010)8756-4321.

lily is my good friend. she is from england. she is eleven years old.

she is in class four, grade seven. her telephone number is (010)8769-5419.

写一篇短文把你自己和你的新朋友d**id向大家做一下介绍, 其中d**id的情况如下所示:1. 13岁, 来自加拿大;2.

高个, 短发;3. 圆脸, 大鼻子, 小嘴巴, 大眼睛;4. 最喜欢蓝色;穿蓝色上衣和黑色裤子;5.


参考范文:i h**e a new friend in my school. his name is d**id.

he is thirteen years old. he is from canada. he is tall and has short hair.

he has a round face, a big nose, a small mouth and big eyes. he is in a blue jacket and black pants. his f**orite color is blue.

we are in the same grade, but in different classes. we are good friends.


提示: 1. 我们经常在下午去英语角(english corner)。我们很喜欢在那里(there)说英语。

2. 我们一起帮王刚学英语。

参考范文: we often go to the english corner in the afternoon. i speak english with my classmates.

i like english very much. my classmate, wang gang, doesn’t speak english very well. we often help him at the english corner.

it helps him with english.

kate来自美国, 现在与父母一起居住在中国。请结合下表介绍一下她的饮食爱好以及三餐的吃饭地点, 不少于60个词 (其中“√”表示喜欢吃的食物,“×表示不喜欢吃的食物) 。

参考范文: kate comes from the u. s.

a. she lives in china with her parents. she has breakfast at home.

for breakfast, she’d like bread and milk. she doesn’t like eggs at all. she has lunch at school.

she’d like rice, chicken and jiaozi. she has supper at home. for supper, she’d like fish, cakes and apples.

she likes chinese food very much.

用所给提示写一篇60词左右的小短文。提示: 假如你是jim, 来自英国, 现在在北京学汉语。

你和父母在一起住, 他们也在北京工作。你在这儿有很多朋友, 常与他们一起吃饭, 中国的食物很好吃, 种类多, 你很喜欢。

参考范文:my name is jim. i come from england.

now i live in beijing with my parents. i study chinese here. my parents both work in beijing.

i h**e a lot of friends here. they are kind to me. i often h**e dinner with them.

chinese food is very nice. i like many kinds of chinese food. i like china.

i like chinese.

请根据下面的提示, 写一篇50词左右的对话。提示:你去买一条裤子, 营业员告诉你有各种颜色的裤子, 最后你用90元买了一条蓝色的裤子。

营业员和你分别用a和b表示。(各种颜色的裤子: pants in all colors)


a: can i help you?

b: yes, please. i want to buy a pair of pants.

a: what color do you want? we h**e pants in all colors.

b: how much is the blue pair?

a: it’s 90 yuan.

b: ok. i’ll take it.

a: here you are.

b: thank you.

根据下面的提示写一篇对话, 要求60词左右。提示:kate早上给susan打**, 想约她上午去野餐。

susan想去但今天没空, 她想明天去。最后定在明天早晨出发。kate带相机(camera), 一些鱼肉和苹果, 并告诉susan别忘了带些果汁。


susan: hello!

kate: hello! this is kate. who’s speaking?

susan: this is susan.

kate: would you like to go for a picnic with me this morning?

susan: yes, i’d love to, but i’m afraid i h**e no time today. what about tomorrow morning?

kate: ok! let’s meet tomorrow morning.

i’ll bring a camera, some fish and some apples. please don’t forget to bring some juice.

susan: ok. goodbye!

kate: bye!

请根据下面的提示词, 以my cat为题写一篇50词左右的小短文。

提示词: a white cat, eyes, mouth, clever, play games with ..和……一起做游戏)


my cat

i like animals very much. i h**e a white cat. she has two round eyes and a small mouth.

she is very clever and cute. i often play games with her after school. i love her very much.

she is my f**orite animal.

下面是一则**留言, 请根据留言内容, 编一段50词左右的对话。对话的开头已给出。

对话中要出现人物liu dong, food and drinks)

meimei: hello!

li ming: hello, meimei! this is li ming.


meimei: hello!

li ming: hello, meimei! this is li ming.

meimei: hi, li ming.

li ming: are you free this sunday?

meimei: yes, what’s up?

li ming: would you like to go to the zoo with me?

meimei: yes, i’d love to.

li ming: please tell liu dong about it.

meimei: sure, i’ll call him.

li ming: don’t forget to bring some food and drinks.

meimei: all right. see you then.

请你以d**id的身份给may写一封信, 介绍你自己和你家人的情况。你可以谈谈他们的工作和他们所喜欢的食品。信的开头和末尾已经给出。

你需要用下面的提示词: family, happy, teacher, doctor, fish, chicken, vegetables。要求60-70词。

dear may,

i’m d**id. i’m from england




dear may,

i’m d**id. i’m from england. i want to tell you about my family.

four people (人) are in my family. they’re my mother, my father, my sister and i. my father is an english teacher.

he likes fish very much. my mother is a doctor. she likes cooking.

chicken is her f**orite food. my sister julia and i are in the same school. we don’t like eating vegetables.

but my parents tell us to eat more vegetables. they are good to us. look!

we h**e a happy family.


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1.my friend 我的朋友 i h e a good friend.her name is may.she is 12 years telephone number is 87634966 her birthday is march 5th.she is good at english and...


1.my friend 我的朋友 i h e a good friend.her name is may.she is 12 years telephone number is 87634966 her birthday is march 5th.she is good at english and...