
发布 2021-02-26 10:50:28 阅读 3437



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正在进行现在进行时be ving(现在分词)

补充说明:在can,may,must;do,does,did;help,let, to……等词的后面用动词的原形。


i worked very hard last year.

i very hard now.


)1. look! liping and li yingbasketball now.

a. play b. played c. are playing d. will play

)2. what did you do last night? i did my homework and __tv.

a. watch b. watched c. am watching

)3. can i___this book?

a. h**e b. has c. h**ing

)4. i to music at 7:00 every morning.

a. listen b. listening c. listening

)5. what __that in the box? a shirt.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

)6. did your father his friend on the 5th of october?

a. called b. call c. is calling

)7. where you last night?

a. was b. are c. were

)8. can i tv? sure.

a. watching b. watch c. see

)9、she like summer.

a. doesn't b. don't c. isn't.

)10. here the money.

a. are b. is c. am d. was

)11. there __a table and two chairs in jenny’s room.

a. am b. is c. are d. were


1、tomswim) in the river now.

2、whybe) they not here yesterday?

3、yesterday afternoon theyplay) football with their english teacher.

4、it’s eight o’clock now. the boyswatch) tv.

5、she usuallydo) her homework in the evening.

6、tom and tony can’tswim).

7、what does your father __do)? he’s a worker.

8、look! jim and tomrun) there.


方法:1、在动词后直接加ed. 如:clean—cleaned

2、以e结尾的动词,在动词后直接加d. 如:use—used

3、以辅音字母 y结尾的动词,把y改成i, 再加ed.


4、有很个别是要双写最后一个字母再加ed的。 如:shop—shopped


am—was, is—was, are—were, do—did, does—did 等。

model: clean cleaned

1) watch2) wash3) cook___

4) paint5) use6) play

7) carry8) study9) practice

10) talk11) jump12) clean


二、cbaab bcbabb

三、is swimming ,were,played,are watching,does,swim,do,are running.






) 1. reporters like to __people .

a. talking to b. talk to c. talk with d. talking with

) 2. is the man with glasses our new maths teacher ?

yesa. not bad b. that’s all right c. that’s right d. i’ m right

) 3. we always go out __our lunch .

a. to b. eat c. h**e d. for

) 4. where do the nurses work ?

they work

a. at bank b. on hospital c. at hospital d. as assistants

) 5. my uncle visits __every year . he visits his friends .

a. a lot b. much c. very much d. lots of

) 6. would you please __me for these books ?

a. helping b. to helping c. help d. help for

) 7. little tom sits on the chair without __a word .

a. say b. saying c. says d. to say

) 8. about __years ago , there lives a wolf .

a. five hundreds b. five hundreds of c. five hundred d. hundred of

) 9. there __any water and bread .

a. aren’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t d. don’t

) 10. what did your uncle do yesterday ?

he __a. went to the cinema b. go to the movies c. goes to see a movie d. went to movie


1. we h**e five p___课题) .

2. i s___花费) five hours to study for the english test last weekend .

3. the d___海豚) is very smart .

4. jim goes s___游泳) every sunday evening .

5. in w___西方的) countries , christmas day (圣诞节) is the most important festival .

6. f___not true )

what my mother said to me was __

7. m___kinds of things together)

my weekend is a __of fun and work .

8. m___not big or small)

this __shirt is for you .

9. s___things are selling with low price)

there are some great __in the pizza express .

10. l___not wanting to do anything , not hard --working)

if you areyou are not a good student .


1. their english teacher is veryfriend) to them , so all the students like __he) very much .


merry christmas 圣诞快乐 赶快 hurry up sweep away 扫去。收起,收拾好 put away at work 在工作此刻,目前 at the moment get ready for 为 做好准备 热狗 hot dog get off 下 飞机 火车 公共汽车等 回去...


英语复习。今天,学习哥为大家总结了七年级上册所有语法点,复习好这些内容,应对期末考试就成功了一大半哦!一。动词be is,am,are 的用法。我 i 用am,你 you 用are,is跟着他 he 她 she 它 it 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问...


英语学习入门点拨 学习任何一门语言都是先从发音开始,英语也不例外。掌握了48个国际音标以后,看到新单词就能通过音标自行拼读 识记。这样不仅能带来学习的成就感,还能切实地感受自行拓展词汇量 提升学习兴趣。从语法角度来看,英语总共有十大词类,他们分别是名词 代词 动词 副词 数词 形容词 冠词 介词 连...