unit 4 how do you get to school
1. _the subway乘地铁2. _the bus乘公共汽车3.
_a taxi打的4. _a bike骑自行车5.__the train乘火车6.
_the plane乘飞机。
7. _the boat坐船8. by bike = the bike骑车。
9. _foot步行walk to10. get to = reach = arrive in (at)到达11.
by car = a car乘小汽车12. by bus =_the bus13. by boat = a boat乘船14.
le**e __前往15. h**e a __breakfast匆忙地吃早饭16. _a show沐浴17.
the __bus早班车18. the bus station车站19. the bus ride乘车旅行20.
1. _do you get to school?i ride my bike.
2. _is it from your home to school?= how far is your home from school?
3. _does it take ?it takes us two hours to finish our homework every day5.
he walks to school every day = he goes to school __every day
6. my father takes his car to his office =my father goes to his office in his car(by car)= my father drives to work
7. we usually take the plane to shanghai = we usually __to shanghai= we usually go to shanghai by plane /air单元练习。
are ()四十)students in our are five ()百)students in our school.二、介词(副词)填空。
le**es ()school ()around six is different ()his brother ()eating like to ride my bike ()the weekend.三、单词百变。
minutes ()be) not a long kilometers ()be) a very long needs ()stay) at home on sundays.四、单项选择。
1. (is it from your home to my hotel?a how farb how long五、短语互译。
1. he takes a bus to school every day. =he ()to school ()
2. tom walks to school every morning =tom goes to school ()every goes to school by bus every day. =he goes to school ()the bus everyday.
人教版七年级下册第三单元试题。班级 姓名 得分 满分120其中卷面4分 一 积累与运用 16分 1 根据拼音写汉字。2分 妇r 皆知仰m xi n为人知z i 割。2 下列句子中成语使用有误的一项是 2分 a 世界上任何一个民族都不甘成为任人宰割的民族。b 二战中日军恶贯满盈,家喻户晓。c 奥本海默...
第三单元综合提优测评。考试时间 90分钟满分 100 一 积累与运用 20分 1.根据拼音写出汉字或给加点字注拼音。4分 p ng p ig n 古 b 育阻 i 锲而不舍懊悔喧嚣炽痛 2.下列各组词语书写准确无误的一项是 2分 a 马革果尸妇儒皆知心会神凝彷徨。b 感情 燕然勒功零乱不堪徙劳。c ...
基础知识积累与运用 32分 1.请给加点的字注音或根据拼音写汉字 8分 彷 徨重荷 踌躇 深su ji n 乎不同滑j 无xi 及此义愤填y n 2.下面词语中有四个错别字,找出并改正 4分 潜心惯注心会神凝一反既往慷慨淋漓锲而不舍沥尽心血。搏学多识一拍既合锋芒毕露妇孺皆知马革裹尸杂乱无张错别字改正...