
发布 2023-02-25 11:26:28 阅读 5600


i. 将下列短语译成英语:

1. 一位笔友2. 来自于。

3. 在美国4. 哪一门语言。

5. 她最喜欢的科目。

6. 想有一位来自中国的朋友。

7. 一个很有趣的国家。

8. 和……一起去看电影9. 给……写信。

10. 告诉我关于你自己的事情。

ii. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词:

1. you are new here. would you like to i yourself?

2. —what’s your nchinese.

3. there are many countries in the w .

4. he is from france. he speaks f

5. where does your pen pal l ?

6. i like math. it’s e .

7. hong kong is a good pi want to go there.

8. i am a b for english. i can speak a little.

9. what’s your likes and what’s your d

10. —where does your uncle ljapan.

11. aare from the united states.

12. can you w to me soon?

13. the boys are from france. they speaks f .

14. —what ldoes ann speak? —she speaks english.

15. these friends come from many different c

16. he is not a chinese. he is a j

17. she likes gto the movies with her friends.

iii. 选择填空:

( )1. he enjoys __physics (物理) at school. a. h**e b. to h**e c. h**ing

( )2. my little brother is only __

a. five year old b. five years old c. five old years

( )3. jim lives __ottawa, but his brother lives __here. a. in, /b. in, in c. /in

( )4. i like __with my friends __summer.

a. to swim, at b. swimming, at c. swimming, in

( )5. my name is tom anderson. my __name is anderson.

a. firstb. familyc. second

( )6. _your cousin h**e __pen pals? a. do, some b. do, any c. does, any

( )8. i don’t like math __it’s difficult. a. when b. because c. why

( )9. this story is __interesting. a. an b. realc. really

( )10. _does your son live with? a. where b. what c. who

( )11. my birthday is __november 25th. a. in b. atc. on 1.

( )12. i don’t h**e __brothers __sisters.

a. some, and b. any, or c. any, and

( )13. they often play basketball __weekdays. a. on b. in c. for

( )14. my grandmother often tells me __my grandfather.

a. forb. about c. from

iv. 根据要求变换句型:

1. i think. he is not from mexico. (合并为一句)


2. she is from the united states. (对划线部分提问)

she __

3. maybe he is from japan. (改为同义句)

hefrom japan.

4. they often enjoy themselves on weekends. (改为同义句)

they oftenon weekends.

5. his father speaks english and chinese. (对划线部分提问)

does his father

6. lin mei is from china. (同义句转换)

lin meichina.

7. nancy speaks english. (就划线部分提问)

whatnancy speak?

8. where does your pen pal come from? (改为同义句)

where __your pen pal __

9. sarah lives in france. (改为一般疑问句)

___sarahin france?

10. he can’t speak much english. (改为同义句)

he can speak onlyenglish.

v. 用动词的适当形式填空:

1. the children __be) from shanghai.

2. i enjoylisten) to the pop music (流行**) very much.

3. henot live) in paris.

4. do you likedrive)?

5. can you __say) it in english?

6. li lei wantsmake) friends with jim.

7. pleasewrite) to your parents soon.

8. my f**orite food __be) dumplings.

9. heknow) a little english.

10swim) is my f**orite sport.

vi. 从方框中选择适当的单词完成对话,每空一词:

a: excuse me! (1are you from?

b: i’m from england. (23) you?

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