七年级下册1 2单元复习

发布 2023-03-02 00:01:28 阅读 8809


1. his sister’s from canada. (划线提问his sister

2. he speaks chinese. (提问he speak?

3. the hotel is on center street. (划线提问the hotel?

4. where is your friend from? (同义句) where __your friend __from?

5. i get to the library at six. (同义句) ithe library at six.


6. my pen pal is from england. she isengland)

7canada) speak english andfrance).

8. jim’s parentsnot watch) tv on sundays.

9. my cousin likes singing anddance) a lot at school.

10. the girls enjoysee) comedies.

11. i hope thebegin) of our tour is happy.

12. they h**e funwalk) in the park.

13. do you enjoyyou) at the birthday party?

14. go downthree) street and turn right.

单选题。 ) 15he’s from australia.

a. where is your pen pal b. where is your pen pal from

c. where is your pen pal come from d. how is your pen pal

) 16. _come from australia. they speak

a. australia; australian b. australian; australian c.

australians; english d. australian; english

) 18. –can you speak japanese? –yes, but only___

a. much b. a lot of c. a little d. little

) 19does your cousin speak? –she speaks english.

a. what b. what language c. where d. how

) 20. my daughter can __a little english.

a. say b. speak c. talk d. tell

) 21. –can you __it in chinese for me? –sure.

a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell

) 22. i like __to the movies __weekends.

a. go; on b. goes; in c. going; on d. to go; to

) 23. many students enjoy __computers after school.

a. to play b. played c. play d. playing

) 24. can you write __me and tell me __your country?

a. to; to b. about; about c. to; at d. to; about

) 25. –where is the hotel? –it’s __the library and the bank.

a. across b. next c. in d. between

) 26. there is a big tree __our classroom.

a. in front b. in front of c. in the front of d. front of

) 27is the bank? –it’s across from the hotel.

a. how b. where c. when d. what

) 28where is the library? –it’s __center street.

a. sorry; on b. hello; on c. excuse me; on d. hi; at

) 29yes, there is one on center street.

a. is there a post office near here b. where is the post office

c. which is the way to the post office d. how can i get to the post office

) 30. walk __the street and you will see the restaurant __your right.

a. down; in b. along; at c. along; on d. down; to

) 31. bond beach is a good place

a. h**e fun b. has fun c. to h**e fun d. h**ing fun

) 32. you can borrow books from the __it’s __the neighborhood.

a. supermarket; in b. bank; on c. library; in d. hotel, in

) 33. i want to buy a big house __a beautiful garden around it.

a. has b. with c. h**e d. there is

) 34. next to the crowded shops __a city library.

a. are b. is c. has d. h**e

) 35. there __a post office and two hotels on bridge street.

a. is b. are c. has d. h**e

pen pal笔友。

pen friend笔友。

the united states美国。

the united kingdom英国。

action movie功夫片。

likes and dislikes喜欢的和不喜欢的。

one,s f**orite subject某人最喜欢的科目。

a very interesting country一个非常有趣的国家。

what language什么语言。

what subject什么科目。

be from来自。

come from来自。

speak english讲英语。

play sports 做运动;进行体育运动。

go to the movies去看电影。

write to sb. 写信给某人。

tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事。

like doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

with sb. 与某人在一起。

in china在中国。

in sydney在悉尼。

in english用英语。

on weekdays在工作日。

on weekends在周末。

on wednesday在星期三。

a little一点点。

post office 邮局。

pay phone投币式公用**。

bridge street桥街。

first **enue第一大街,第一林荫道。

garden tour公园旅行。

the beginning of...的开始。

the way to…(某地)到……(某地)的路。

a place to h**e fun一个可以玩得愉快的地方。

h**e fun玩得愉快。

h**e a good trip旅行过得愉快。

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。

go through穿过;横过。

go straight直直往前走。

go down往下走;顺着……往下走。

turn left 向左转。

turn right向右转。

take a walk散步。

play the guitar弹吉他。

across from在……的对面。

in front of在……的前面。

in the front of在……(教室等内部)的前面。

between…and… 在……和……之间。


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