
发布 2023-02-24 06:23:28 阅读 2575



unit 12 don’t eat in class.


一)语言功能:talk about rules 谈论规章制度


1. what are the rules at your school?

don’t run in the hallways and don’t arrive late for class.

2. can we eat in school?

we can eat in the dinning hall, but we can’t eat in the classrooms.

3. can you wear hats in school? yes, we can. /no, we can’t.

4. do you h**e to wear a uniform at school? yes, we do. /no, we don’t.

5. what else do you h**e to do ? we h**e to clean the classroom.


1. in class 在课堂上 (反)after class

in the class 在班上,在班级上

don’t look out of the window in class. 课上不要向窗外看。

she is one of the best students in the class. 她是班上最好的学生之一。

2. fight v. 打架,争吵 fight with 和……打架。

the two boys fought with each other yesterday. 昨天这两个男孩打了一架。

n. 打架,争吵

there was a fight between the two boys yesterday.

3. wash v. 洗,洗涤。

wash your face clean. 把你的脸洗干净。

i like washing the clothes on sundays. 我喜欢周日洗衣服。

n. 清洗 h**e a wash 洗脸(手)

4. arrive late for class 上课迟到 = be late for class

arrive at + 小地点名词 arrive in + 大地点名词 arrive home/here /there

get to + 地点名词 get home/ there/ here

he arrived in beijing yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午他到的北京。

did you arrive at school at 6 yesterday? 昨天你6点到的学校吗?

what time did your father get home last night? 你爸爸昨天晚上几点到家?

5. too many太多 + 可数名词复数

he has too many questions to ask. 他有太多的问题要问。

too much 太多后面跟不可数名词,也可以作副词词组,修饰动词。

don’t drink too much tea. 不要喝太多的茶。

she talks too much. 她说得太多。

much too 太,非常修饰形容词,副词,不修饰动词。

it’s much too cold. 天太冷了。

the question is much too difficult. 这个问题太难了。

练一练(1)mr green eats __meat. so he is __he**y.

a. too much, much toob. much too, too much

c. too much, too muchd. much too, much too

2)the watch is __expensive . i can’t buy it.

a. too many b. too much c. much tood. many too

6. be in bed 在床上,卧床。

don’t read in bed. 不要躺在床上看书。

on the bed 某物在床上。

there is a book on the bed. 床上有本书。

7. by ten o’clock 十点钟以前 by 在……之前,不迟于。

he has to go to bed by nine o’clock. 他必须在九点前睡觉。

by 乘坐某种交通工具。

she goes to school by bus. 她乘公交车上学。

by 通过……方式。

they learn a lot by tv. 他们通过电视学到很多东西。

8. hear,listen和sound都有“听”的意思,但三者是有区别的。


i’m sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病了,我很难过。

i never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。

listen“听”,侧重于“听”这一动作。listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。

the children like to listen to music. 孩子们喜欢听**。

sound“听起来”,它是系动词,后面接形容词等。that sounds great. 那听起来真不错。

it sounds like fun. 听起来挺有趣。

9. on school nights 在学校的晚上。

10. school rules 校规。

11. the children’s palace 少年宫。

12. eat outside 在外面吃饭。

13. hang out 闲荡(逛)

he doesn’t like hanging out with friends after school.



一)no talking . 禁止说话!


no photos 请勿拍照

no smoking = don’t smoke .

no parking = don’t park.


1. 肯定结构:


be a polite boy, tom.

open the door please.


let + 第。


let’s go home .

let them go first.

let mary do it.

2. 否定结构

1)含第二人称主语的祈使句的否定式前加 don’t

don’t run in the hallway.


let’s not +动词原形。

let’s not say anything about it.

don’t let +第三人称代词或名词+动词原形。

don’t let them play in the street.

练一练 1not stand) too close to the animals. it’s too dangerous.

2late next time.

a. be notb. don’t be c. aren’td. not to be

三)what else do you h**e to do ? we h**e to clean the classroom.

你们还得做什么? 我们还得打扫教室。

1. else 其他的,只修饰特殊疑问词和不定代词,且位于其后。

other 修饰名词,且置于其前。

where else did you go last sunday? 上星期日你去过其它地方吗?

nothing else, thank you. 不要别的了,谢谢。

what other animals do you like?

2. h**e to 不得不有时态、人称和数的变化,指外部环境有要求,多表达客观要求。


i must do my homework now. 我现在必须做作业了。(主动)

i h**e to do my homework now. 我现在不得不做作业了。(被动)

i didn’t h**e to stay at home last night. 昨晚我不必呆在家里。

练一练1. it’s too late . i __le**e now.

a. mayb. canc. h**e tod. will

2. mr smith __look after his son and daughter because his wife is ill.

a. mustb. h**e toc. has tod. doesn’t h**e to

3. she has to do her homework first. (否定句)

shedo her homework.

四)and you can’t watch tv after school. i can’t, either.

too, also 用于肯定句中,too一般用于句末,also一般用于句中,位于实义动词前,be动词和助动词之后。


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