
发布 2023-02-22 04:09:28 阅读 2382

一. she takes the subway.她乘地铁。

take +交通工具”表示“搭乘……”take the subway的意思是“乘地铁”。类似的结构还有:take a bus(乘公共汽车);take a plane(乘飞机),take a boat(乘船);take a train(乘火车);take a taxi(乘出租车);注意:

“骑自行车”表达为ride a /one’s bike或ride bikes.如:

the workers take a bus to work every day.工人们每天乘公共汽车上班。

you can take a taxi there.你可以乘出租车去那儿。

many students ride bikes to school.很多学生骑自行车上学。

拓展(1)表示搭乘交通工具,还可以用“by+交通工具”的结构表达。这种结构可与“take +交通工具”或ride a bike互换。如:

i go to school by bike.=i ride a bike to school.我骑自行车上学。

they get home by taxi.=they take a taxi home.他们乘出租车回家。

he wants to go to england by plane.= he wants to take a plane to england.他想乘飞机去伦敦。

注意:i usually walk home.=i usually go home on foot .


2)take abus/car/taxi/plane/train与go/get to…by bus/car/taxi/plane/train以及go/get to…in a bus/car/taxi/plan/train可互换。如:

you can take a bus to the bank.=you can get to the bank by bus.=you can get to the bank in a bus.


二.i ride it to school every day.我每天骑它(自行车)上学。

1.承上文知,it指代a bike; ride a bike to 的意思是“骑自行车去……”如:

he usually rides a bike to school.他通常骑自行车上学。

can you ride a bike?你会骑自行车吗?

拓展ride a bike to …可替换为go/come to…by bike 或go/come to…on a/one’s bike。如:

he often goes to school by bike.=he often goes to school on a/his bike.=he often rides a bike to school.


2.(1)every是限定词,表示三者或三者以上的“每一”,多用于修饰单数可数名词。every day 的意思是“每天”。如:

every student should read this book.每个学生都应该读这本书。

辨析everyday 与every day


every day每天 every week 每周 every one每人 every other day每隔一天 every year 每年。

二. how far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?

how far的意思是“多远”,用于询问“距离”。如:

how far is it from here to the post office?从这里到邮局有多远?

how far is the airport from here ?机场离这儿有多远?

辨析:how far与how long

三. the bus ride takes about 20 minutes.乘公共汽车大约花20分钟。

1.(1)the bus ride的意思是“乘公共汽车”,在这里ride用作名词;类似的表达有:the train ride(乘火车);the sub way ride(乘地铁);the bike ride(骑自行车)。

如:the bike ride to the village is relaxing. 骑自行车去村庄非常放松。

the train ride makes us two days from my home to xinjiang.乘火车从我家到新疆花两天时间。


tom and jack ride their bikes to school every day.汤姆和杰克每天骑自行车上学。

ann rides the bus to work.安乘公共汽车上班。

的意思“花费,耗费”,通常用it.,某事或某物作其主语;常用句式为it takes time to do sth.如:

this work took us ten days.这项工作花了我们十天工作时间。

it usually takes me an hour to do homework every day..我每天通常画一个小时做作业。


take a bus/train/subway乘公共汽车/火车/地铁 take a shower 沐浴 take a walk 散步 take a photo 拍照 take a vacation 去度假。

辨析:take ,spend 与pay

四. how long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要花多长时间?

1) how long 的意思是:“多长时间,多久”,用于询问时间的长短。如:

how long does it take you to do homework every day?你每天花费多长时间做家庭作业?

how long h**e you been working at the bank?你在银行里工作多久了?

how long can you stay here?你在这里能呆多长时间?

2) how long也可询问长度,此时意为“多长”。如:

how long is the desk?桌子有多长?

辨析what time ,how long与how soon

六、well, h**e a good day at school.嗯,祝你学校生活愉快。

h**e a good day的意思是“过得好,过得快乐”。

they h**e a good day at school.他们在学校过得很好。

h**e a good day at work!祝工作愉快!

拓展:与h**e a good day 近意的表达有:h**e a good time ,h**e a great time 等。如:

the children are h**ing a good time at the park.孩子在公园里正玩得开心。

we had a great time in the party last night.我们昨晚在派对上玩得非常快乐。


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