
发布 2023-02-22 03:30:28 阅读 7128

unit5 topic3. my school life is very interesting.

a. 重点词汇。

1. 周日名称。

sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday

考点分析:a. 周日名称的考点之一就是拼写,这中间比较难记的一个就是wednesday.

大家可以按音节去记:wen es day. 从发音规律看, /wen/应该wen三个字母,只是在e和n之间多了一个字母d; /z/是es两个字母;/dei/是三个day字母。

这样分析一下,会读就应该会写了。有时,也会考到根据英文解释写出单词,这里需要注意的是,按英文习惯,一周当中的第一天是星期天,而不是星期一,因此,the first day of a week: sunday; the second day of a week:


b. 表达在星期几,用介词on. 但如果周日名称前如果有定语的话,就应该省略介词on.

例如,we often go to the park on sundays, but we’ll not go this sunday.

every monday they h**e two math classes, but next sunday they will h**e only one math classes.

2. 学科名称。


chinese math english politics history geography science biology physics computer science education) art music

考点分析:关于学科名称,大家首先要会读会写,其次,要知道所有的学科名称都是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 特别是以-s 结尾的politics 和physics.


history is very interesting.

3. 习惯用语。

a. be friendly to (对……友好)

the teacher is very friendly to his students.


b. tell...about… (告诉某人关于某事)。

please tell me something about your school.


c. between…and…(在两者之间)

there is a hospital between the school and the factory.


d. from…to… (从…到…)

i often read from five o’clock to six o’clock in the library.


he often walks from school to his home.


e. learn…from…(从…学到…, 向…学习)

we learn a lot from him. (我们从他那儿学到了许多。)

we should learn from each other. (我们应该想到学习。)

b. 功能结构。

1. talk about the day of the week.

说今天是星期几,和表达其它时间一,经常用it作主语。例如,it is friday today.( 今天是星期五。)

口语中也可直接用today作主语。例如,today is friday.


what day is it today?

2. talk about the subjects.

谈论上什么课,上几节课,我们常用动词h**e, 构成动词短语h**e an english class, h**e four classes等。例如,they are h**ing a physics class. (他们正在上物理课。

)we h**e six classes a day.(我们一天上六节课。)


what classes are they h**ing?

how many classes do you h**e a day?

3. talk about the interest, likes and dislikes.

a. 表达对学科的看法,我们经常用到下面的句子:

i think math is a little difficult. (我认为数学有点难。)

i think english is very easy. (我认为英语非常容易。)


i don’t think english is very easy.

而不能说:i think english is not very easy.

b. 表达对学科的喜欢程度,常用下列句子:

i like……a little/a lot/very much/better/best. 例如,i like chinese best. (我最喜欢汉语。)

也可说以:chinese is my f**orite subject.

c. 问他人对学科的看法,常用what …think of…? how … like…? 例如,how do you like physics?

what do you think of physics? (你如何看待物理?)

我们也经常这样问:which subject is your f**orite?

which subject do you like best?

unit 6. topic 1. is there a computer in your study?

a. 单词及习惯用语。

1. 介词短语。


1) on the second floor.

表示在几楼,用介词on. 例如,on the first floor(在一楼)。 floor前用序数词,特别要注意的是,序数词前面一定要加定冠词the.

my bedroom is on the second floor. 我的卧室在二楼。

my grandparents live on the first floor. 我的爷爷奶奶住在一楼。

2) next to

next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与close to 和near意思很很接近,但next to 强调距离上更近。

our school is next to a supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。

our school is close to (near)a supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。

3) in front of

in front of 意为“在……前面”,用来表示两个物体相对的位置,例如,there is a big tree in the front of the house.(房子前面有一棵大树)

要注意的是,front前面没有加定完词the, 如果有定冠词意思就发生了变化。in the front of ……意为:在……内部前面的部分。

例如,the driver sits in the front of the car. 司机坐在汽车的前面。

the teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 老师站在教室的前面。


4) at the back of

at the back of 可以理解为in the front of 的反义词组,意为“在……(内部)后面”,例如,he is cleaning the blackboard at the front of the classroom. 他正在教室后面擦黑板。


5) in the center of

in the center of……意为“在……**)。例如,there are many flowers in the center of the yard. 院子**有许多花。

6) on the left of

on the left……意为“在……左边”, 在……右边”为on the right of…….运用这两个短语要注意两点,一是介词用on, 二是方位词left, right前要加定冠词the .例如,

the hospital is on the left of the post office. 医院在邮局的左边。

tom sits on the mary’s right. 汤姆坐在玛丽的右边。

2. 动词短语。

1) h**e a look

h**e a look意为“看一看”。类似的短语还有h**e a rest(休息一下)、h**e a talk(谈一谈)。

这类短语往往指一次性的动作,与单个的动词(look/rest/talk)相比,具有短暂性。例如,shall we h**e a rest? 我们休息一下好吗?


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