
发布 2023-02-21 16:20:28 阅读 5986




6and___失物招领 7铅笔盒。

8.卷笔刀 name



1your name?你叫什么名字?











a、找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项 (5分)

)1 a this b it c five d six

)2 a desk b pen c yes d name

)3 a book b good c look d ruler

)4 a bag b what c thank d map

)5 a goodbye b my c your d bye


1 iwthe2 temi3 yllwoe

4 relur5 tthoo


)1. a book b pencil c ruler d watch

)2 a myb hisc you d her

)3 a white b color c green d blue

)4 a backpack b black c ring d dictionary

)5 a phone number b family name c first name d last name

选择填空 (15分)

)1. what’s this? it’s___

a pencil b an pencil c a pencil

) this __it’s a map.

a in english b in english c in english

)3.__name is grace.

a i b it’s c my

)4. _his baseball? yes, it is.

a that is b is that c this is.

) this __eraser? yes, it is. it’s your eraser.

a your b my c his

) this in english? it’s __

a. an eraser b. eraser c a eraser

)7.__your jacket? it’s black.

a. what’s b. what’s color c what color is

) that a book?__

a. no, it’s my book. b. yes, it’s c yes, it is

)9.__do you spell it, please?

a. what b. who c. how

) that your book? _

a yes, that is b yes, it’s c no, it isn’t

) his name? _name is tony.

a my b his c her

) name is kate green. what’s her last name? _

a kate b green c kate green

) this your book? _

a it’s a book b no, it isnt c yes, it is

) that her ruler? _it’s his ruler.

a yes, it is b no, it isn’t c no, it is

) do spell pen? _

a p-e-n b yes, it’s a pen c no, it isn’t


) afternoon, you.

) his afternoon, teacher.

) your phone number? 2450432.

) down, name is john.

) that your backpack? i’m jim.

) i’m red.

) this in english? it is.

) color is your pen? it isn’t. it’s her backpack.

) do you spell a watch.

)1 .is this her pencil case? key.


1 gina, name, her, is

2 name, what, is, his

3 do, it, you, spell, how

4 number, phone, her, is, what

5 that, is, ring, your


1、this is an apple. (改为否定句)

an apple.

2、is that your ruler? (做否定回答)

3 i’m alice green.(变为一般疑问句)

alice green?

4 my name is john smith. (对划线部分提问)

your name?

5 this is a dictionary in english. (对划线部分提问)

in english?

6 he’s fine. (对划线部分提问)

7 that bike is black. (对划线部分提问)

is that bike?

8 my teacher’s telephone number is 6849059.(对划线部分提问)

your telephone number?

9 she’s mary smith.(改为同义句)

is mary smith.

10. these are his books. (改为单数形式)

his book.


a:what’s your __

b: my __marry.

a: _this __english?

b: it’s a __

a: _this your __

b: _it is.


2011 2012学年上学期期末。七年级数学。满分100分,时间90分钟 一 选择题 每空3分,共18分 下列各小题均有四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的代号字母填入题中的括号内。1 2的相反数是 ab cd 年第16届广州亚运会主会场占地30万平方米,可容纳观众80012人,是规模最大...


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