
发布 2023-02-20 09:36:28 阅读 8091



一、音标 (共15分,每小题1分)



1.clock 2.knock 3.book 4.hair 5.sheep



)1.there is___s”and __k” in the word“desk”.

a.a;an b.an;a c.an;an d.a;a

)2.this is __eraser.it’s __orange.

a.a;an b.an;a c.an;/ d.a;/

( )3.__jenny.

a. my name b.i’am c.i’m d.i

)4.--where is your pen

a.here is it b.here it is c.here are they d.here they are

)5.let’s __a song.

a.sing b.to sing c.sings d.singing

)6.--may i borrow your pencil case?

a.fineb.sure, here are you.

c.yes, it is. sit down,p1ease. d.yes, here you are.

)7is that marker?

it’s black.

a.how color b.what color c.what’s color d.what color

)8.how many __do you h**e ?

a.watchs b.watches c.watch d.a watches

)9.wang ming is___teacher.

a.a my b.my a cd.my


a.中国**电视台 b.联合国 c.世界**组织 d.世界卫生组织。

)11.jim a book. it’s in the bag.

a.h**e b.has c.like d.give


a.see you later b.see c.see it d.good night

)13.we are __

a.chineses b.chinese c.chineses d.chinese

)14.don’t___it in chinese.

a.tell b.speaks c.speak d.say

)15.--is this shirt big or small

a.yes, it is b.no, it isn’t c.big d.yes ,it is big

)16.i don’t like this __please __it green.

a.colours colours b.colour colour c.colours colour d.colour colours

)17.i __books every day .

a.read b.watch c.look d.look at

)18.how is your grandma?--she is __

a.nice b.fat c.fine d.good

)19.i h**e some books. i want __

a.show you them b.to show you them

c.show them to you d.to show them to you

)20.he is __red shoes.

a.wear b.wears c.wearing d.wearing




7.一条短裤8.四件连衣裙9.sing with me10.point to


1.this pair of gloves __be) black.

2.he and ibe) good friends.

3.whatbe) your f**ourite clothes?

4.“ibe) a letter.

5.__she) english teacher is mr. wang.

6.the box is too he**y for他).

7apple) are my f**ourite fruit.

8.whose裤子) are these?

9.how many __钥匙) does tom h**e?

10.--i like your dressthank).

11who) hat is it?

12.he likes __吃) eggs .

13.i am___来自)china.

14.it is___正好) for me.

15.i like red帽子).


1.i h**e three yellow bananas .(对画线部分提问)

2.the desks are green.( 画线部分提问)

3.it is a cat. (用dog改为选择疑问句)

4.i like coats. (改为一般疑问句)

5.what sport do you like best?(改为同义句)


if you often h**e a cold ,headache or backache,there is something wrong with your health .

eating healthy food 1 good for our health .tofu ,milk ,vegetables are healthy for us .

tofu(豆腐) is a kind of traditional(传统的) 2food .we often 3 it in china .now more and more people4___other countries think toufu is good for health ,5 .

they also like eating it .

milk is 6 kind of healthy food . every day ,you should 7 one or two glasses of milk .it can 8 us strong.

vegetables are very important. you should eat 9them .there are vitamin (维生素)a,b,c,d,eand so on in them.

as we know ,it is important to10a balanced diet (均衡饮食).we must h**e the right kinds of food .we should also eat some pork ,chicken and beef .

we should eat more fruit and vegetables but less meat.

七、 阅读理解 (共20分,每题2分)

apeter likes fish very much. he often buys a lot of fish in the shop and takes them home. but when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself (她自己), good, i can ask my friends to h**e lunch, and we can eat fish.

they like fish very much.”


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